Bets II | Suzuya Juuzou

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A/N: This contains SPOILERS for people who didn't read the auction arc in Tokyo Ghoul :Re, or just Tokyo Ghoul altogether and FOUL LANGUAGE. Read at your own risk!

This was requested by @YanskieLuixx, I hope you like it!!

P.-S. The battle in which the reader participates in later in the chapter isn't canon, I just made it up for the sake of the plot. It's happening between the events of the Rose Extermination operation and Rushima, if that's even possible.

You woke up with a start, memories painfully flashing through your head, yet you couldn't remember how you fell asleep, and where you were. The white walls surrounding you weren't helping, either. 

You knew this wasn't a hospital, though. Hospitals don't lock up their patients like this. And besides, the alarming lack of clothing on your body told you you weren't in a hospital. 

...Were you kidnapped? And by who, exactly?

No, that couldn't be. You could at least recall being with the Quinx squad, and they wouldn't have let you get kidnapped. But would they, really?

You had no idea. You knew absolutely nothing and it was the scariest thing you ever experienced. You had a little idea on how Haise felt now and oh how you felt bad for him. 

"I see you've awoken." A male voice speaks, causing you to snap your head towards the door to meet with the man the whole CCG despised. 

"Kanou." You grimaced at the taste of his name on your tongue. The disgust you felt for the man made you sick, made you angry. This human, who had the audacity to mess with other human lives and turn them into monsters they never asked to be made into... 

Oh, shit.

"What the fuck did you do to me?!" You screeched, noticing you were chained up with what seemed like quinque steel. No. Oh, god no. 

The expression on your face must have been obvious, because the sick doctor only chuckled. "A bright one, aren't you? It took your coworkers months before they finally settled in with the truth." 

"This is illegal on so many levels." You muttered, too angry to even shout anymore. "I'll fucking kill you once I'm free." 

"I'm afraid that won't be possible." Kanou said, looking at you like a child would with a new toy. It was frightening. "After all, I'm not done breaking you yet." 

You supressed the shiver going through your spine and let out an animalistic growl, tugging against your restraints. "Who's kagune was it even-" 

"The Owl's." 

You gagged at the confirmation that there was indeed a ghoul's organ now implanted in your body. 

"That's fucking sick!" You seethed. "When Juuzou finds out, he'll-" 

"Kill you, won't he?" This man was really trying to get you to give up. "You're dead to the CCG. If you were to go back, they'd kill you." 

"They didn't kill Haise, and he's a half ghoul." You countered. 

"But he's been brainwashed and broken, just like how you will be." 

"If I wake up with white hair you can be assured that I will personally murder you." You warned.

"Better get in line." The doctor chuckled, stepping forwards. 

 "Don't fucking approach me!" 

Your threats seemed to bounce off him as Kanou walked towards you, pulling out a needle from behind his back and stabbing it into your eye, causing you to howl out in pain before passing out from what ever he had just injected into you. 

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