Open Up | Urie Kuki

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A/N: This was requested by @KrustyCheetahs ! Have fun with your tooth rotting fluff!

    "This'll be fun!" Saiko cheered as you all exited the Chateau to head out to the plains where the fireworks were going to be lit. 

    You looked down at the happy bluette, grimacing at her antics. "Just two minutes ago, Urie and I had trouble getting you out of bed."

    "Gotta adapt to survive!" She answered before joining Haise, who was walking a few ways further in front. 

    "If only she could keep that mentality more often." Your boyfriend muttered as you shot him a small smile. 

    "Eh, it wouldn't be as interesting without her being the way she is." You rationalized. "Just as it wouldn't be much fun if you resembled Shirazu or Mutsuki in terms of personality." 

    Kuki visibly shivered at the thought of that. He could barely watch Shirazu make a fool of himself in public and now you're bringing up the idea of him doing that too? No thank you, he'd rather stay silent. He's also pretty sure that the two of you wouldn't be together if he wasn't the way he was. 

    By now, Urie had no idea how he didn't die of loneliness before you stumbled into his life with the rest of the Quinx. He found himself thinking about what his life would be like if he had never enrolled in the academy or if he had never gotten picked for the Quinx project quite often. Every time, his future was rather difficult to imagine without you in it. 

    He hates that fact with a passion. Urie had never thought that he would have developed a certain dependence to this group, but here he was, going out to watch fireworks instead of working on a report due Monday (it's your fault. You had dragged him out here).

    As the purple haired man was grimly thinking of how he was emotionally weaker than he had first thought, he felt your hand slip into his. The smallest of smiles appeared on his face as he gave your hand a tiny squeeze. Just strong enough so you'd feel it, but weak enough so others wouldn't notice anything. 

    "I know you don't want to be here." You said in a teasing voice. "But you're the squad leader, so... It's good that you're here. It gives us a good appearance." 

    "You think the CCG is going to respect us more because the entire squad went out to watch fireworks instead of actually focusing on our duties?" Your boyfriend sassed back. You frowned at his apparently foul mood and looked forwards, refusing to look at his skeptical expression. "You're smarter than that, (Y/N). What was the real reason for dragging me here?" 

    "I just wanted to spend my time with my closest friends. And I wanted you to have a good time, too." You said, deciding to tell him the truth. It's not like he could back out now, seeing as you were currently looking for a spot to settle down. The fireworks were about to begin soon. "I feel like you force yourself to be cold with the squad, Kuki. I see a different side of you that I wish they could see, too." 

    But if I do that, it's not special anymore, the Quinx couldn't help but think. He wants you to know how much you mean to him, and opening up to you is the way he does it. It's not exclusive anymore if he shows that side of himself to everyone. 

    "And don't give me that 'I want it to be special for you' bullshit. If anything, I think it'd mean even more to me if you opened up to everyone else, too." Well, note for the future: He can't think in your presence. You're apparently a mind reader. 

    "I'll think about it." Urie muttered before noticing that the rest of the Quinx had found a nice spot to settle down. You were about to sit right next to Mutsuki until you noticed that Urie was still standing and started walking a bit further from you all. So much for opening up, huh?

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