Bi | Shirazu Ginshi

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A/N: lmao why do I get all my ideas at worK WHEN I CANT WRITE WTF once again Quinx reader I'm (not) sorry, I have zero imagination ;-;

"It's within walking distance?"

The three Quinx watched their mentor speak on the phone, trying their best to hear what the other person—you, actually— was saying.

"Alright! We'll be there soon!" With that, Haise hung up and turned around, placing his hands on his hips. "(L/N) found the place! We'll walk there, so let's get a move on, girls! Time to get some info!"

Saiko and Mutsuki gave Sasaki determined nods, and Shirazu let out a sigh of anxiety. What were you going to think when you'd see him dressed up like a girl? He surely wasn't looking forward to it.

"I really don't understand why we all needed to dress up as girls..." He complained as he waited for Sasaki to lock the door behind him.

"Because! We don't know what type of girl Nutcracker would want for this sort of thing! We have higher chances this way!" His mentor explained.

Ginshi decided to accept the fact that he was going to embarrass himself to no end in front of the girl he's been pinning after forever.


Upon arriving to the club, Mutsuki had already left somewhere, and Haise decided to stand back and think of a plan. Saiko had ran away to have some fun while Ginshi nervously searched the dimly lit place for the face that made him so god damn nervous in mere seconds every time he saw it.

Obviously, he didn't spot you in the crowd. Even if your beautiful traits were imprinted in his mind, the lighting was too dim to see.

Maybe it was better this way, so he wouldn't be stuck with you making fun of him for weeks afterwards. Well, you wouldn't joke about it if it truly, really upset him, because you were such an angel, but he meant that he'd still be a bit embarrassed about how weird this whole thing is, and he never would have guessed that this would have happened but Shirazu really wanted to see you laugh anyways so he might as well let you have your fun-

"Hey there. Aren't you one heck of a woman?"

The flirty voice abruptly stopped him from rambling any further in his mind.

Ginshi mentally prepared an answer for whoever was trying to flirt with him, until he spotted the person's face. Upon seeing your beautiful (e/c), and that trademark, smug looking smirk that never fails to make his face heat up, what ever words he was going to pronounce got lost in the loud music.

"Uh- hi..." He said, glancing to the side.

Your smirk never left your face. If you were stuck at a club, might as well mess with your favourite Quinx until Sasaki came by to tell you the plan for getting information about the auction...

"Would you allow me to be the luckiest woman on Earth and give me your name?" You weren't the best at flirting, but seeing as how you got Shirazu flustered in the blink of an eye, you'd say it wasn't that bad...

"Ah- uh..."

Ginshi scratched the back of his head, trying to find a feminine name as quickly as possible. To him, you didn't look like you recognized him, so... There was no way he'd pass up an opportunity to get to know how it feels to have you flirting with him.

If the conversation went well, he'd have fantasizing material for years...

Your expression changed to a worried one. "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to." You gave Ginshi a warm smile. "I'm (L/N) (Y/N), I'm not looking for a one night stand, trust me."

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