Eat | Mutsuki Tooru

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A/N: This oneshot's a bit before the :RE timeline so bare with me, 'Kay? Some info might not add up since I'm not done with the manga yet!

Mutsuki slowly approached the person clad in a black suit. Seeing he was apparently talking with another investigator, he waited patiently for their conversation to finish, glancing on the paper his mentor, Sasaki, gave him.

The male waved goodbye to his colleague, and Mutsuki cleared his throat. "Uh, are you First Class Investigator (L/N), sir?" He asked.

The guy giggled and turned around, a smile adorning his feminine features. "Please, call me (Y/N). I don't like using my last name." He said, his voice oddly high pitched for a... Oh no.

Mutsuki tensed up. "You're a girl..!" He stuttered.

(Y/N)'s smile grew. "Good observation, investigator..?"

"Ah! Rank 3 Mutsuki Tooru! I'm a part of the new Quinx experiment! Rank 1 Sasaki Haise partnered me up with you for this investigation! I'm sorry for mistaking you for a man, miss!" The green haired boy bowed deeply. (Y/N)'s smile brightened at the mention of Sasaki Haise.

"It's okay, Mutsuki. It's not your fault I have wide shoulders! The blame's on me, really... I can't help but wear suits!" She giggled and placed her hand on Tooru's shoulder. "Let's get along, Tooru."


"(L/N)-san-" Mutsuki was cut off by (Y/N)'s hand lightly hitting his back.

"I told you, Tooru! No formalities like that!" She gave him a warm smile that melted his insides.

"But why..?"

"I don't like remembering my family..." She frowned, and he instantly regretted his words. How could he even think of hurting her like that? Actually doing it made his heart ache.

"I'm sorry!-"

"It's okay, Tooru! You didn't know. For your information, they were killed when I was young. I don't like being called with my last name remind me of them too much." She explained.

Tooru apologized once again. "I'm still very sorry for making you remember things like that. I'm sure they were good people!" He smiled, trying to make her feel better.

(Y/N)'s frown only deepened. "Not exactly..."


"How was the appointment, Tooru?" The girl smiled, making Mutsuki blush. The effect she had on him was crazy.

"L-like always, I guess." 

"Still squeamish around blood?" She smirked, teasing him.

"Yeah..." He sighed.

"You'll have to get used to it if you wanna be a great investigator like me, Tooru!" His friend scolded in a joking manner.

"How about you? I heard you had an appointment too. How did it go?"

"It was fine. I received the results for my blood tests. Wanna see?" (Y/N) handed Mutsuki a sheet of paper with information about her blood type and RC cell levels.

"Those levels are pretty low..." He commented. "With the strength you have, I would've thought they would have been higher than the norm!"

(Y/N) nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of her head. "What can I say? I'm just a mystery!"


(Y/N) dragged Tooru away by the hand while investigators rushed to the activated RC gate.

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