I'm Here | Ui Koori

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A/N: This is a legit challenge for me ok I have no idea how to write Koori (I'm literally going with his description on the wiki) please don't kill me yet..


The news of Arima completely destroyed the CCG. You never saw everyone so gloomy before. Although, you couldn't blame them. Even the One Eyed Owl couldn't kill him, so if Sasaki managed to kill CCG's reaper, he was bad news... 

You had already lost most of the people close to you. Of course, you weren't caught up on the past, but Arima was one of the very few people you had left. It hurt, but you could manage through it. Although sometimes you just wished you could have stopped Sasaki before it was too late. 

What worried you the most though, was how your mentor's death affected your friendship with the only person who still mattered immensely to you. 

Since Arima passed away, Ui distanced himself. And you might have been a little less worried if he avoided everyone, seeing as how that's something some people do when in grief, but he seemed perfectly normal around anyone that wasn't you. 

You couldn't recall doing anything that could have upset him, and you couldn't recall him doing anything that you would have deemed wrong, so... You were absolutely perplexed over the matter. And apparently, no one else had any idea what was wrong with the man. 

You didn't even have time to talk to him or at least form a plan to force him to talk to you. You had been busy with the aftermath of the Rushima Landing Operation, and ghouls, and dealing with the social  media, and... You get the idea. You were a busy woman, and Koori was already busy without all the new stuff going on... Yeah, you won't get a chance to talk to him anytime soon. 

You still tried, though. Whenever you had a moment, you'd be rushing back and forth trying to get information of Ui's whereabouts, when he was free, who he spoke to recently, anything. Other investigators either found it entertaining or took pity on you for loosing someone so close to you, especially after Arima. 

Another week of this and you swore you would have gone crazy.

"Hm, I haven't seen him around." Suzuya said, brows furrowing. "Funny, I would've been sure Furuta would have kept him around or something." 

"I already spoke with Furuta, he said he wasn't around him." You said, trying to regain your breath. You had been running way too much for your liking, but if it meant you'd get Koori back, then you'd fucking sprint. 

"Is (L/N) looking for Ui?" You heard Mizurou ask from behind you. Quickly turning around, you nodded and looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Do you have any clue of where he could be?" You asked, nearly on a begging tone. 

Mizurou shrugged. "Not really... I didn't ask him where he was going, sorry." 

"You don't have anything? Like, maybe something he was carrying, or his facial expression, or even body language! Anything helps, Mizurou!" You insisted. 

The male furrowed his eyebrows, thinking. "He... He had a pack of cigarettes with him..." 

Bingo! You knew Ui went on the roof sometimes to smoke since no one would usually bother him up there, and with everything going on, you were sure he'd be wanting some time alone. 

You quickly thanked Mizurou for the information and bolted towards the stairs, climbing them at a record speed, wishing you didn't miss your chance. 

Once you arrived on the roof, you pushed the door with all your strength, making it fly open. You couldn't care less, however, because once the cool breeze reached your face, you sighed in relief at the view of a slightly agitated Koori. 

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