Promise | Arima Kishou

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A/N: Okay so in :re Arima's like 30, so I'm just not gonna mention the reader's age but I'd like her to be like somewhere between 27-30 because listen 30 year old Arima and a fricken 21 year old Shirazu!reader's slightly weird...

There are a few SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't finsihed Tokyo Ghoul:Re, so watch out!

ALSO I'm too lazy to go read the chapters for the Christmas party Haise threw because that's where I'm writing it, so I'm just doing it all over again my way... sorry.

This was requested by: @Voiceless-trust! I hope you like it!! 

And the music nerd is back at it, forcing old music into her oneshots, I'm sorry, it's just too beautiful. 

I've been listening to lovey-dovey 20's, 30's and 40's music while writing this so I'm sorry if I unconsciously made Arima OOC.

"Shirazu!" Both you and your little brother flinched, Ginshi accidentally dropping a Christmas ornament on the ground. Thank god it was a plastic one... 

"Which one?" You asked your mentor, who seemed quite irked. What had you, or your brother done..? 

"Both of you! You're only placing ornaments on the upper parts of the tree! Look at the bottom!" Sasaki cried out, pointing a finger near the ground. 

Gazing down, you snorted at the odd lack of ornaments on the lower branches of the tree. You side glanced your brother. "Well, lil bro, you should kneel to get those spaces." You teased. 

"You're the smallest one, you kneel down!" He shot back, already getting worked up. 

"Well, here, I'll fix the problem!" With that, you placed down the ornaments you were holding and walked away. 

"What... what are you doing, Shirazu?" Haise asked you as you passed him. 

"I'm leaving him alone, that's what I learned to do when he gets like this." You simply shrugged. "Besides, I'm not gonna participate to a Christmas dinner in sweats." Pointing down at your attire, you smiled. "Especially not when someone like Arima'll probably show up."

A crash rang out behind you, and you spun around to glance at your younger brother. "Arima's coming here?!" He yelled, ignoring the broken glass beneath his feet. 

Before you could answer, Haise jumped into action and ordered Ginshi not to move while he attempted to get rid of the glass shards. You took the opportunity to run away from the scene and get ready for the night. 

You had a feeling good feeling about tonight. 


"Shit, you really put an effort into it." Ginshi said, impressed by how well dressed you were tonight. It was casual, yet it had a elegant ring to it. "Really different from your usual attires. I'm impressed you had something like this in your closet and put it together yourself." 

"It's a thing that runs in the family, I think." You said nonchalantly. "Last time I remember, my brother had awful taste in clothing too." 

"Oh, shut up." He groaned. 

"You know you're not gonna get many girls dressing like you do and acting like you are, right?" You teased. 

"Well you're not gonna get many romantic interests neither with your sassy attitude." 

"Oh, my sweet little Ginshi..." You chuckled, ruffling his hair, much to his displeasure. "You'd be surprised." 

"Stop ruining my hair- and whadya mean 'you'd be surprised'?! Please don't tell me you banged someone already!" He grimaced. 

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