Protected | Tatara

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A/N: wowow first request by @kimiii000 ! That's AWESOME AND they gave me a challenge by writing a character I had never analyzed before. Personally I find Tatara too scary to even like his character but thank you for the opportunity to write about him! Maybe I'll like it and write some more!

Your hurried pace could be translated to nervousness by anyone who was walking by you. You looked up at the building looming above your head a few ways away and sighed deeply, wishing that this could go as smoothly as possible. But for that to happen, you needed to calm down. You needed to collect your thoughts and get into character so that the lies you would be spewing in a few moments would seem more realistic to you and the officers who would hear them. The nervousness that came with having your friend's fate on your hands sort of incapacitated you. Trying to become calmer only made you more restless.

Stopping right in front of the CCG office, you looked down and took a deep breath. Some employees gave you crooked glances, but you didn't mind at all, considering the fact that you had bigger things to focus on.

"Why me?" You questioned, almost insulted that the man had come to you for help. "I know I'm human and all, but I can still be gravely punished if the doves know I'm hiding important information on ghouls! Tatara, I'm practically hiding Aogiri from the CCG."

"No, we're more than capable of doing that ourselves." The Aogiri executive said in the calmest of tones. He was obviously unimpressed with your reluctance to cooperate. And yet, he didn't feel any disgust towards you as he did with other humans. He didn't quite understand why; you were a typical one. Afraid of pain, sometimes (not often) afraid of him, privileged... And look at him. He practically got you a place in Aogiri. It was absolute nonsense, but no one even questioned it. You were some sort of double agent for them, and although you didn't work with the CCG, you still provided them information and, in cases like these, protection.

"Ayato is old enough to watch out for himself. He decided to go hunting without a mask and that's his problem! I don't understand why I have to go defend him." Tatara's head lowered and he gave you the typical menacing glare he'd give to his underlings, yet you didn't yield like any of them. "I'm just saying that he's probably replaceable, right?"

"No. If he were, I wouldn't be here, (Y/N)." Tatara sighed. "I'm done arguing with you. Tomorrow, you will go to the main office to report a ghoul sighting around our hunting grounds, and you'll give them a description to scramble the evidence they have on Kirishima. Is that understood?"

Yeah, you weren't going to win this one, but you were childish at times. You had to win something. You glanced around your apartment, portraying confusion on your face. "Huh, is Eto here?" You wondered out loud, not even waiting for the man's answer. "No? Then maybe you should stop acting like I'm underneath you."

As he said, you were immensely privileged. And careless. And naïve, for thinking that he wouldn't tear you to shreds in an instant. Maybe he'd been too easy on you. But if it was so, why had he even let himself be easy on a human in the first place? Those questions led him to a place in his mind he really didn't want to visit.

Tatara turned around and headed for the window in your living room. The one with a horrible view of the neighbouring building's roof, which had proved to be very useful for ghouls. "There won't be anyone to back you up tomorrow. You'll be on your own and someone will stop by to get news on how it went. You better not disappoint." And with that, he left through the window.

Sometimes you really do wonder why you even agreed to this bullshit in the first place. A human had no right to be in something such as Aogiri, yet here you were. It felt wrong; it felt like you were stabbing humanity in the back, but there was something inside you that validated your choice. The CCG had killed so many that by now you wondered who the true murderers were. All you wanted was to see things from another point of view for a while. Sooner rather than later, that plan had failed and you got caught up in Aogiri's crossfire. If you were to bail now, you have countless S-rated and above ghouls after you, which was not something you wished for yourself.

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