Disappearance | Urie Kuki

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A/N: Lol once again it's a Quinx!reader bc I love the Quinx squad so much sorry


"What would you do if I died?" You wondered out loud as your boyfriend, Kuki, finished his paperwork.

His writing stopped and he lifted his head up to gain eye contact. "Don't even think about it." He warned. His voice didn't sound any different, but you were observant and learned how to read him like a book. He looked scared at the mere thought of your death.

You rose your hands in defence. "Woah, calm down, I'm just wondering, since we do already have our wills filled out and all."

He sighed and leaned his head on his hand. "I just don't want to think about it."

"Yeah, I can see that. Jeez." You huffed, trying your best to contain a smile.

Your best wasn't enough.

Urie gave you a questioning glance, and you chuckled. "Hey, I'm not as dumb as you think! I learned to read you like a book, Urie Kuki!"

He let out a huff of air and went back to finishing the last of his paperwork. Your gaze didn't leave his form for a minute, thoroughly enjoying watching him write. You loved how when he was this engulfed in his work, his facial expressions became more apparent and his eyes let through a new set of emotions.

You sighed. "How are you such a masterpiece?" You asked, your voice overflowing with affection.

For the second time tonight, Kuki gave you a surprised glance. "Where's your filter?" He asked.

"I never had one to begin with." You answered smugly. "But really. I can't believe I get to be with someone like you. It's crazy. My parents would've been proud." Your smug smirk turned into a sad smile at the thought of your late parents, who had perished at the hands of a ghoul during combat (one of the many things you had in common with Urie).

"Stop it. You're making me blush." He said sarcastically and pushed the small mountain of papers away from him.

"You done?" You asked. Way to go, (Y/N), stating the obvious.

"No, I'm just procrastinating."

"Haha, very funny." You got up from the table you were sitting on and headed towards the kitchen. "You hungry? I could fix something up before we head to bed." You proposed, eyes searching through the fridge for good food.

Urie politely declined your offer stating that he would rather immediately go up to his room instead. You nodded as he placed a kiss on your forehead and left. Even if the gesture was small, it meant so much more when it came from Urie Kuki himself.

As soon as Urie was out of (Quinx) earshot, you sighed. "That boy is gonna be the death of me..."


"(Y/N)?" A voice asked.

"Ah!" You jumped up at the sudden noise, all thoughts of entering the Chateau stealthily gone out the window. "Who's there?!" You asked, on edge.

"It's Kuki." The now recognizable voice calmly said. You heard the sound of pressure being taken off the couch cushion and footsteps coming your way. "Where were you all night long? You should have told someone of your whereabouts! Going on solo hunts is really risky." His hands landed on your shoulders and a warm smile made its way onto your face. You loved seeing this hidden side of him.

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