Revenge | Mutsuki Tooru

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So yeah, SMUT WARNING, KINK WARNING, all the sexual warnings you got, send them here. White Haired Tooru is about to go WILD. I mean so is the reader. They're just- A really kinky couple sometimes.

    You peaked inside Tooru's room, glad to see that the male was actually inside, and right where you wanted him. He was apparently taking a nap right now, which was perfect.

    Without making too much noise, you tip-toed through the room, taking in your boyfriend's appearance. How did he look so good while only wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt? The guy's a god given gift through and through. He's also a huge tease, hence why you're doing this.

    You settled on his lap, clipping the two handcuffs onto his headboard. You grimaced as the metal clinked. It was crazy how tempted you were to actually tell it to shut up, knowing it wouldn't do anything.

    Once that was set in place, you let the piece of (clean) cloth you held in your other hand fall onto his bedside table. Everything was ready for your revenge.

    Putting on a sweet expression, you leaned down and kissed your boyfriend on the lips, feeling him stir awake when you lightly bit his bottom lip. Your hands glided down his arms, entwining your fingers with his.

    "Did I sleep for too long?" The male anxiously asked once you pulled away.

    "No," You shook your head, trying your best not to let your smile corrupt into a cunning smirk. "I just had a little something planned for you, and I didn't want to start while you were asleep, of course." You played with the string on his eyepatch for a little while as Tooru curiously wondered about what you had in mind out loud. Before even answering him, you pinned both of his hands over his head and snapped the handcuffs in place, leaving the male bewildered.

    "Surprise." You teasingly said, seeing the look of betrayal on his face. "You really think you can edge me all night and expect me to do nothing about it? I thought you knew be better than that, babe."

    "I thought you were a bit more mature, is all." Your boyfriend sassed back. You faked a heartbroken pout as you took of your clothes and grabbed the cloth you had placed beside the bed.

    "I hoped I wouldn't have been obliged to use this, but we can't have you dirty up your mouth with those mean words, can we?" You muttered, shoving the material in his mouth. It wasn't enough to choke him, just enough to make it impossible for him to talk. "We'll have some fun, why are you so unpleased about it?"

    You damn well knew why he was disgruntled about this, but it was always nice to rub his extravagant pride in his face. Getting dominated by someone who he considered submissive? How shameful. You'll show him that you can do as much damage to him as he, you.

    Your head dipped into the crook of Mutsuki's neck, placing gentle pecks on the expanse of his skin. Your hands trailed up his arms, feeling the muscles within them flex as he tried to break free from the cuffs. They passed over every bump and dip until you reached his wrists.

    Your lips gained more access to his neck as the white haired male threw his head back, a muffled groan escaping his mouth as you bit a certain part of his neck you knew was the most sensitive spot. You then travelled to his throat, nipping and licking at the skin there, feeling the vibration of his vocal chords as you covered his neck with kisses and carefully calculated bites.

    Your fingers trailed back down his arms with featherlight touches, feeling the goosebumps you created on his skin. You hadn't even traveled half of his body and he was already putty in your hands. You loved it.

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