Hesitation | Takizawa Seidou

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A/N: YAY FOR SEIDOU FLUFF! It's long overdue because I've been torturing the poor boy. So here, have some Office Realness
Anyway, requests are open! All you need to do is DM me and we'll talk about it! I'm not vicious I swear

Hesitation had struck the man speechless as he stood over your cubicle. His mouth had opened, signalling to you that he indeed had something today, but he couldn't quite spit it out. Takizawa felt himself start to sweat as you probably took him for a fool.

     Feeling bad for the poor man that was obviously struck with some kind of public speaking anxiety, you initiated the conversation for him. Once again. "Didn't feel like working?" You joked. Although he vigorously shook his head, you knew better than to let him attempt to continue with the subject he was so obviously afraid of mentioning. You looked back at your own work with a turned up nose and disdain in your eyes. "Yeah, this paperwork's pretty boring."

     "U-uh!" Was the only thing Takizawa could utter before he decided to give up. Again. "You're right, I suppose. My only motivation is that I get payed for doing it." He nervously scratched the back of his neck. As much as he tried, he couldn't hide the look of disappointment on his face. Why was it so scary to ask you out on a date? He had invited you to outings multiple time before (as friends, of course), so why was it so much more difficult? The words would be similar; it's nothing he hadn't done before. Yet, every time he walked over to you in an attempt to ask you out, his words had failed him and his brain went into overdrive.

     The alternative to this was giving up and coping with his growing crush on you, which started to become an annoyance more than anything. Seidou couldn't just go to work everyday and pretend everything was okay between the two of you when, in reality, things weren't that okay. To him. Another thing that worried him was the (huge) possibility of you thinking of him as a friend and nothing more. He didn't want to ask you out on a date, which you'd refuse, and then have to haul through the awkwardness that came with the result of the situation.

"So..." he muttered, hoping that maybe his brain would figure out a subject of conversation. Usually, he was good at that and the two of you would engage in really interesting debates, but when he needed them most, his social skills went missing. "How about the weather, huh?" If Takizawa was able to, he would have taken a time machine and travelled back to a second ago to beat himself up for that one.

     "Oh, come on! We're way past the small talk." You reminded him. If he didn't know any better, he'd say that you looked disappointed in his social skills. ...Did he know any better? "I heard rumours of a raid coming up." Your malicious smirk sent shivers down Seidou's spine. Although you didn't have a mean bone in your body, he still feared you when you gave him a smile like that. Takizawa always believed that you were supposed to have a mean bone somewhere in there, but the universe just forgot to give it to you.

     "But did it come from reliable sources?" He questioned, leaning on your desk to give his legs a break. You opened your mouth to answer but Seidou cut you off. "And for the last time, Suzuya is not a reliable source." The two of you chuckled at the memory of a past mistake of yours.

     "I learned my lesson, I swear!" You defensively exclaimed while raising your palms up in surrender. "But no, it didn't come from Suzuya this time. Actually, it was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. I overheard some things."

     There was a slight pause in which your colleague (and friend) leaned closer. When you didn't say anything else, he threw his hands up in the air in annoyance. "Well? You can't just leave me hanging! Did you get caught doing something wrong? Were you somewhere you weren't supposed to be again?"

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