Tag | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: This was requested by: @ChiaraLM6 I hope u enjoy our little extravagant rose :3 

And omg karren with a human S/O is so... unlikely, but it makes it even better! That girl had to swallow her ghoul pride and come to terms with the fact that she fell for her own little mouse. IT'S SO CUTE I C A N ' T. 

    "Huh, I never saw this place when it was empty." You stated, your eyebrows raised in surprise as you stepped into the immense house. "Echo!" Yeah, nothing happened there. It was sort of embarrassing, but at the same time...

    Karren simply rolled her eyes and went back to watering the plants in the room as you carefully took your shoes and coat off. 

    "Where is everyone anyways?" You curiously asked. "It doesn't seem right that everyone except you had to leave." 

    "From what Mast-" Your girlfriend glanced your way, cringing when she saw the grimace you made. "From what Shuu said, it's a thing with the city council. And since I'm technically not supposed to be in Japan at all, it was better for me to stay at home." 

    "Oooh," You teased. "I can't believe it, my girlfriend's a criminal!" 

    "I'm surprised that you haven't made that conclusion yet, considering all the pictures of me Chie sent you after she heard about us." Karren muttered. 

    "What? That's not... It's called 'survival', Karren, and it's not a crime whatsoever. As long as it's not excessive killing, I'm fine with it and you know it." You sternly said. "Now, let's not dwell on that too much. We have the house to ourselves!" You cheered, noticing the rinkaku ghoul fearfully look at you. Oh, she wasn't big on the whole fun thing, was she?

    "(Y/N)... no." She muttered as you could barely remain in place. 

    "They won't know anything happened!" You waved off. "We won't wreck the house, trust me! I just feel like you deserve some time off, seeing how you take work way too seriously." 

    Your girlfriend still seemed hesitant. She glanced around the room, as if the walls and objects would give her a concrete answer. You simply sighed and gently slipped your hand in hers. 

    "I just want to see you laugh and smile, meine liebe." You said in a much calmer tone. The German seemed to get to her (even if your accent was absolutely awful), however. She, being a bit taller than you, straightened up her back and looked away. You were so close to getting to her to agree! "Karren."

    "Promise me you won't break anything!" She finally exclaimed as she looked back at you, eyes begging for you to agree to her terms and conditions. 

    "We won't break anything at all, I promise!" You accepted, squeezing her hand a little tighter as your smile returned on your face. "We'll have fun!" 

     "Alright, then. I'll participate to whatever you have in mind." A small smile of her own appeared on her soft lips as she spoke, making your heart melt. Deep down, you wanted to see that very smile, but ten times bigger. "What do you want to do?" 

    You ripped your hand away from hers and tapped her shoulder before bolting away. "You're it!" You yelled, internally wondering if you should go directly upstairs or stay on this very level for a while. You decided to go down the corridor, concluding that there were other stairways in the mansion, anyways. 

    Karren stayed still for a few seconds, processing what was going on. Once her brain clicked, she let out an exclamation and ran after you, making you mentally facepalm when her feet carried her out of the entrance at an inhumanely fast pace. 

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