Help Him | Tsukiyama Shuu

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Requested by: @howtosuckjin101 I hope you enjoy!! Tell me if it wasn't what you wanted! 

There is STRONG LANGUAGE in this one, so watch out!!

You watched closely as Tsukiyama happily walked around your apartment, silently trying to figure out what put him in such a good mood. As he paced closer to where you were sitting, you decided to ask him.

"What's gotten you so happy-go-lucky today?" You asked, smiling when Shuu turned towards you as if he was just acknowledging your presence, despite being in your  apartment. 

"Ah, I just made a new friend, is all." He said, although you could see in his demeanor that that wasn't the end of his story. You had to admit Shuu had a significant lack of friends his age, alright... You'd be hyped too if you were him.

"Hm, mind telling me a bit about them?" You asked, patting the space next to you on the couch. 

"His name is Kaneki," He started, deciding to take up your offer and sit down. "I met him when I was visiting Anteiku. I have a feeling we'll get along." He added, smiling to himself even if the smile looked slightly off putting. 

"Nice to see you finally made a friend." You teased, smirking at how your boyfriend's smile turned into a frown. "What makes you think he'll like you?" 

Shuu scoffed. "He's not my only friend! And of course he'll like me, why wouldn't he?" 

"Because you can be a bit much at times. Some people might not be able to handle your personality, Shuu." You answered, thoroughly enjoying how your words were affecting him.

"Then care to explain how I managed to sweep you off your feet? You are my lover after all, aren't you?" He said, smugly smirking. Oh, he thought he shut you up, didn't he?

"Well, I do have to admit that I have strange taste in partners..." You sighed, stifling a snort at just how annoyed he was by your relentless comments. 

"You hurt me, (Y/N)." He faked hurt, grasping the fabric of his shirt, right over where his heart would be. "I have done nothing but love you and this is what I get?" 

"I love you too, Shuu. You know  I was just doing that to tease you." You smiled at him. "Anyways, what are ya planning to do with Kaneki?" 

You did not miss the look of surprise on Tsukiyama's face before he calmed down again. 

"Oh, I was planning on a game of squash and maybe bring him to that café I was talking to you about." He shrugged, pretending that the way you sentenced your question did not just make him think you knew about his true origins. 

"The one where Takatsuki goes to, right? I'm sure he'll like it." You reassured. "Talking about that, it's been a while since we went on an actual date. I'll have to plan something, too." 

"Well, then." He sighed, getting up. "I suppose we both have planning to do! I'll leave you to it, I myself have some arrangements to make." With that, he headed out, waving at you and smiling one last time before closing your apartment door behind him. 

"Rest in peace, Kaneki-kun." You sighed, laying down on your couch. It was actually a bit frightening at how obvious it was that your boyfriend was a ghoul. 

Leaving at the mention of dates that might include human food? Ghoul. 

Actually commenting on not your perfume, but your literal scent? Ghoul. 

Not to mention the fact that he seemed to describe human food as if he read tons of books about what they're supposed to taste instead of his actual opinion on the matter. Just from those hints, you could tell who he even was as a ghoul. 

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