Life is Short | Arima Kishou

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A/N: This was requested by: @ElisaAckerman

    You knew you weren't supposed to be here. For an investigator highly ranked as you to be 'hanging out' was outrageous, but hey. You were bored, it was Friday night, you'll deal with the consequences later. 

    The only thing that still made you a bit uncomfortable was the age difference between you and the Quinxes, but that was just a detail. You decided to ignore its existence. The others had a bit more difficulty in doing so. Even if Shirazu had been the one to invite you over, the whole squad seemed still unbelieving that Special Class (L/N) actually showed up at the Chateau (they had no idea that it was either this or going out to drink with Ui, which you refused to do again). 

    "I don't know why you guys are scared of me," You started, taking a sip of the water bottle you had stolen from their fridge. "But you shouldn't be. I can't really report anything that'll be going on tonight since I'm not supposed to be here in the first place." 

    "So why are you even here?" Haise asked, obviously against the idea of you ditching paperwork to socialize with people who are at least seven years younger than you. 

    "I don't wanna write until my hand aches." You nonchalantly answered. "Besides, I think I got Hairu to do my paperwork for me."

    "You 'think'?" Shirazu asked, a puzzled expression on his face. 

    "I think you already have an idea, but Hairu's... Confusing. Hence why 'I think'. There's still a chance that I show up at the bureau tomorrow and nothing at all got done." 

    The sharp toothed boy cringed. "Ain't Arima gonna beat your ass if that happens?" 

    "Nah," You shrug. "He's surprisingly... Understanding. He knows Hairu's like that and when it happens, he just tells me to get the paperwork done in my free time. Arima's a pretty chill boss." 

    In the corner of your eye, you noticed Haise's displeased look. Of course, he doesn't like the idea of it, but oh well. He can't stop you from saying the truth, now can he?

    "Not that I encourage any of you to work that way." You added just for the mother hen sitting a few ways away from you. "I do it sometimes because I forget to care." 

    "You know what I noticed?" Saiko piped up, a wicked smile on her face. "'Arima this... Arima that...' You speak a lot about Arima, (Y/N)."

    Well, she notices things fast. Not that you'd ever admit your low key feelings about the man; you rather die first. You may not care about your job sometimes, but admitting your feelings towards the CCG's number one was on a whole other level of unprofessional. "Well, he's my superior. One of the people who I'm around the most at work. It's sort of normal?" 

    "Or maybe you have a crush!" She squeaked, making both Shirazu and Mutsuki (you never knew he had the capacity to disrespect anyone at all) roll their eyes. "Think of it, it'd be like a Hollywood romance movie!"

    "I am thinking of it, and it would be cliché." You answered. "And completely unprofessional. Do you know how many documents I'd have to sign if I had feelings? Not even requited! All this insurance and bullshit on 'you can't quit if that person dies, you know'. Remember kids, dating and the CCG don't go together." Ouch, that rant might have just made things clearer for her... Seeing that devilish smile on her face, you were sure she knew. Saiko is scary... 

    By now, the three Quinxes were looking at you with that same look on their faces, as if they knew everything. Which honestly, they didn't. They really didn't, and it was far better that way. 

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