Loved | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: I'm not sorry about how much I write about Karren. I'm so fucking gay for her it's incredible. It gets a bit smutty so watch out

As she stealthily jumped out of her bedroom window, Karren thought to herself. Sneaking out like this was very bad, and she could be severely punished for it, but for you, she'd do anything. Including sneaking out of the Tsukiyama estate. She was just glad Master Mirumo had given her a room with a window.

Once out of the property, a smile adorned her face and she quickly made her way to where the two of you always met up.

She couldn't help it. She couldn't help smiling, she couldn't help breaking the rules, she couldn't help sneaking out past curfew, she couldn't help but let her mind wander to you when she was supposed to be working, she couldn't help but love you.

But it was all worth it because you loved her too, and that made her the happiest ghoul on Earth. She just hoped she had the same effect on you. You deserved the world, after all.

"Oh? It seems someone's rebellious." She heard your teasing voice call out, the smirk evident in your tone. Turning around, Karren's smile widened at the sight of your beautiful face.

"People would do anything for love." She answered. Your smirk turned into a genuine smile and she could have melted right there and then. How did she deserve someone like you?

"Glad we're both on the same page." With that, you extended a hand to her, which she gladly took, shivers running through her body at the physical contact. No matter how many times the two of you would do this, it always felt like the very first time. "Let's go, Karren."

She let you drag her towards the designated place as her mind wandered again. The way her name— her real name— rolled off your tongue, exactly like how her family pronounced it made her unbelievably ecstatic. The unconditional love you showed towards her brightened up her point of view on everything. Suddenly, you were there and nothing could tear the two of you apart. Not even the Doves.

Not even genders.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard that angelic voice of yours speak up once again.

"Hey, Touka." You greeted as the two of you entered the shop, heading towards your usual table.

"Nice to see you again, (Y/N)." The purple haired ghoul smiled. "Back with your boyfriend I see?" She teased. The grip you had on Karren's hand tightened.

You nervously chuckled. "Yeah. This place is too perfect." You said. Karren could hear the slight change in your voice.

She hated seeing you in any kind of negative mood, but seeing how much you cared about her and how people didn't view her as how she wanted to be viewed... It made her heart swell with love.

Settling down into the small booth, face to face, the two of you immediately engaged in a conversation about everything and nothing, updating each other on your lives.

As usual, you absolutely wanted to hear all about your girlfriend, who denied, using the same excuse as always.

"My life's boring, (Y/N). I'm a mere servant. But please, tell me about how work went. You work at an E.R, so tell me about new cases! Those are surely more interesting than anything I could give you." Karren's words were ignored.

"No, Karren! Tell me what idiocies Shuu did recently, how training went! And how you're doing, tell me how annoying that little mouse is, too! I want to hear all about it, Karren. It may seem boring to you, but what I live is normal to me, you know. Perspectives are never the same!" With that, you leaned your chin on your hands, avid to hear about Karren's life.

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