Discrete | Urie Kuki

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A/N: I don't know if this is a trigger warning, but the reader's pregnant at some point(even if pregnancy is mentioned, I'll stick with gender neutral pronouns for ya'll). SO STAY SAFE AND USE CONDOMS KIDS

But here's the real TRIGGER WARNINGS: DEATH AND SMUT (I'll mark the beginning and end of the smut part so you guys can skip if you want to)

Also: For anyone who doesn't know already, my requests are wide open for the holidays!!! So feel free to DM me if you have anything you'd like me to write!!

LAST THING: Yo we got another Shirazu!Reader for you guys!! Thanks to @carmex_chapstick for requesting this!

    "Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked, looking around as if you were checking if the two of you were followed. "In public, in broad daylight! He'll kill you if he sees us." 

    "Would you rather have our first date in the middle of the night?" Urie sassed. 

    "Well, it does sound nice..." You muttered, making sure not to mention the fact that you wouldn't have appreciated the hours wasted on what could have been sleep. 

    "Suck it up, Shirazu. We're having a normal  date." Your new boyfriend muttered. "If your brother sees us, too bad. He can't do anything other than whine about it."

    You cringed at the sound your brain conjured up. Having Ginshi moan and complain all the time was not  fun. Especially when his complaints were because of you. That guy would stick around you on purpose so you'd know how much whatever you did affected him. "Alright, but you're the one dealing with his whining." You muttered. 

    "That's a bullet I'm willing to take." Kuki joked, causing you to smile brightly at him. He knew joking wasn't a reflex, but he always loved seeing your reaction to it. He liked the feeling it gave him, to know that he's doing something meaningful and that you truly appreciate it. 

    The date went by surprisingly smoothly. You were sure that you would have met at least someone from the office, since the restaurant the two of you were in was relatively close to the Chateau, but you saw no one. Not even Mutsuki, who usually took a walk around this part of the block every day. It was pretty much perfect. Like the rest of your time with Urie had been, actually. 

    You two had agreed on secretly dating a few weeks ago, seeing as you couldn't be open about it because of your brother. The guy would have murdered the two of you if he ever found out. The best thing to do was probably ease him into it. You had a talk with Urie about it and how he was to slowly act nicer towards Ginshi, just to try and tone down the rivalry between the two. 

    It hadn't been easy, of course. Urie hated Ginshi's guts, Ginshi wasn't very fond of Urie. It was the perfect recipe for disaster, but your boyfriend was making a tremendous effort which you couldn't (and wouldn't) ignore. 

    How could he not even try, anyways? Urie hadn't thought himself capable of developing a liking for someone (especially for Shirazu's sibling) and yet here he was, not even able to control his racing heart every time you'd look at him. You had him wrapped around your pinky and he wasn't even sure that you were aware of it. The least he could do was try his best to make this relationship work. Kuki's a hard worker through and through. He won't let this crumble apart without trying to fix it, and if being nice to your brother is the way to go, then fuck yeah he'll do it. He'll offer the guy a bouquet of roses and sing him a god damn song if he needs to. 

    So far so good, the discreteness hadn't affected your relationship at all. If anything, it made it stronger. The two of you happened to be quite the introverts when you wanted to and always being alone together (does that make sense? It made sense to you and Kuki) did wonders. 

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