Cope | Kuroiwa Takeomi

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A/N: And here we are, I'm so sorry for not writing! I needed a break from constantly doing it, otherwise I would've gotten sick of it pretty quickly... So, with that in mind, my updates might be a bit slower to ensure that I still enjoy writing as much as possible! Now... Be ready for a request from 0BellaBelle0 ! Ft. Urie!Reader (the first one yet, I think!)

    You glanced around the street, a serene smile on your face. Going out with Takeomi like this really made you feel... Normal. As if you don't risk your life everyday killing ghouls for a living. It was nice to pretend being somebody with a usual nine-to-five kind of job.

    "It's nice, isn't it?" Your boyfriend asked, watching the people walking down the street, minding their own business. It seems he thought the same as you. 

    "Yeah," You agreed, nodding as you lifted your cup to take a sip of the glass of water you had ordered. "It's a nice little change." 

    A small breeze blew in your back, making the napkins on your table lift and float up to stick to Takeomi's face. You let out an unexpected guffaw and covered your mouth, thinking it might be a bit too impolite to laugh at him. 

    The man peeled the napkins away, a smile of his own appearing on his face. "I regret not taking a table inside." He stated while you choked back your laughter. 

    "Come on, it's just a little wind!" You countered. "The weather's really nice today, I would've felt awful if we didn't take advantage of it. Besides, just put the napkins under the drinks and they won't fly in your face anymore." 

    "Should've thought about that." He muttered as he followed your suggestion. "Pretty smart, (Y/N)."

    "It's common knowledge, Takeomi..." You hesitantly said, knowing he was just trying his best to compliment you. "But thank you, anyways. I appreciate the effort." 

    "I do need to work on my complimenting, don't I?" He sighed. 

    "It's alright, you don't even need to. We both know you're pretty simplistic and I don't mind! It's a break from mister Drama Queen that I have to live with." You sighed. "He might be good in battle, but Kuki cannot control emotions to save his life. It actually worries me sometimes."

    "He'll get the hang of it." Takeomi assured. "He just needs to practice. If worse comes to worse, you can always confront him about it."

    "I'll tell him about us for his final test." You teased. "If he can cope with that, he can cope with anything." 

    Takeomi let out a sigh as you realized what you had accidentally implied. 

    "Crap, I didn't mean-"

    "Why does he hate me?" Your boyfriend asked for the umpteenth time. "I haven't done anything to him at all, if anything I've given him great respect-"

    "I know, Takeomi, I know." You cut off. It always bothered you seeing how hard he was trying to get on your brother's good side. "It's just... Kuki can't get over some things, I told you this. It's not your fault at all." 

    "But you never told me..." He cut himself off as the waiter arrived with your food. You both politely thanked him and waited until he left before continuing. "You've never told me what he was so stuck on in the first place." 

    You sighed, knowing bringing up the topic would bring you some kind of discomfort as well. However, your boyfriend deserved to know. "It's about our father."

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