Tell Me You Love Me | Mutsuki Tooru

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A/N: By the way in this one the reader DOES NOT return Mucchan's feelings. Heads up this gets pretty SMUTTY (READER GETS VIOLATED) and has SPOILERS. (The timeskip at the end is after the last chapter of :re)


The now white-haired boy turned around at the mention of his name, his visible eye locking with your beautiful (e/c) orbs. Worry shone in them like sunlight.

"Are you okay? You've been distant for a while now..." You said, settling down next to him on the park bench. "I'm worried. And so is Urie, and Saiko, and everyone else. Is everything okay?"

He was surprised by your calm tone. You were usually one to be loud, funny, energetic... The life of the party. You and Shirazu were the Quinx's trouble making duo until he... Since then you had seemed to dull down, yet hearing you talk with concern and worry threw him off.

"I'm okay." He stated, adverting his eyes back in front of him. It was a lie, though. Ever since Torso, he felt like something inside him snapped. With those memories coming back, Haise completely gone, and the change in the Quinx squad, he was so far from being okay.

You eyed him suspiciously. You knew something was wrong. You had a sort of sixth sense for things like this, feeling the mood around someone and knowing if something was off... And something was definitely off with your friend.

"I call bullshit." You boldly said, but returned to your calm tone. "You know you can always speak to us, right Tooru? Even Urie would be glad to hear you speak up. And Saiko and I will do anything for you, you know? We're all worried, Mutsuki. You don't need to go through this alone."

"Why?" He asked, fixing his gaze on a far away tree. "Why do you care so much? Don't you have things to do?" He didn't mean to sound so harsh, but... If it got his point across, then so be it.

Taken aback by his tone of voice, you hesitated to answer for a while. After a few minutes of inner debate, you slowly reached for his hand, on his lap and placed your own over his, impressed by how cold it was.

"We care because we love you, Tooru." You answered. "It pains me to see you like this. I just came by to tell you I'll be there no matter what, so if you ever have doubts about anything, don't hesitate to come and find me." With that, you got up and left the male by himself to think things over.

"We care because we love you, Tooru." They loved him? No. That wasn't what you said, was it? It didn't sound right.

He watched you go, thinking over the many times you had done a similar thing. After the cab incident, you had come to find him to make sure he was okay. After the auction, you stayed by his side to ensure his safety and make sure he was okay, too. After the Rose operation, you stayed with him and helped him get his feelings out, completely forgetting and bottling up your own grief over your best friend's death. You did it all for him, no?

It really made him wonder if he had ever given you something back. You were his emotional support, yet he had never stopped to check if you were okay, too. He didn't thank you, nor did he give you any gift as thanks. What did he give you back?

"...because we love you, Tooru." It seemed off. Those weren't your exact words, he as sure of it.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, his mind worked on deciphering what you had really said.

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