New Clients | Uta

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A/N: this was requested by @yumichild !

     The day had been rather slow at the shop today. Of course, you still had some customers to greet, business to take care of, kick Uta's ass before he went over his deadline for certain orders. The usual. You just felt like it wasn't all that entertaining, and that was rare considering who your husband was. He seemed... not off, that wouldn't be the right word. He seemed to be somewhere else and had forgotten to ask you if you wanted to tag along with him to his metaphorical wonderland that had dragged him away from his work in the last few days. You couldn't blame nor judge him though; that type of stuff happened to everyone. You would just have to be the patient one in the relationship for once and tough it out. Eventually, he'd let you in on his side of things. It might take days, or it might take years. Uta was just like that. You had to go with the flow.

     "Ah, I forgot again," he mumbled as he turned in his stool to face you. The commission he was working on was left discarded for tonight. This time, you weren't going to shit on him for it. You didn't exactly look up from the paperwork you were filling up (because a lawsuit would absolutely ruin Uta's career and potentially out both of you as ghouls, so someone needed to legally protect him because he himself didn't see the need to), but side-eyed him to let him know you were listening. "Kaneki might swing by in a few." And you dropped your pen.

"He got your mask?" Your attention was snatched within moments. You turned your head towards Uta, doubting if he was messing with you or not. You had heard rumours that the guy was alive, but this was new stuff.

"Came to return it, actually. He said it wasn't the right address." You suspiciously glared at him.

"You're fucking with me. God, and I thought the only delusional one was Nishiki." Rolling your eyes, you returned to your work while your husband smirked at your skepticism. Oh, how he'll love your face when you see him and recognize his smell.

"He goes by Haise now though, the doves got him brainwashed I think." As if Uta had orchestrated this entire thing himself (you wouldn't be surprised if he had), the bell to the shop rang and the sounds of many people walking down the hallway reached your ears. From the way they smelled, they weren't ghouls.

"I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat. Do you want something?" Your partner in crime asked. Because as soon as humans walk into the building, Uta finds it hilarious to flaunt all the red, ghoulish flags in front of their ignorant eyes.

"No, I'm good. Come back soon though, in case they want measurements or something." You mumbled as he walked off. Soon enough, the people reached your field of view and wow did you owe Uta an apology. Leading a group of young adults (or teenagers, from how young the blue haired girl looked) was a very, very familiar face. And if that wasn't enough, he smelled exactly like he used to. Absolutely mouthwatering. You hid your state of shock extremely well, though. Having lived with Uta for a while, you got a hold of these things eventually.

"Hello!" You greeted. "Welcome to HySy! How can I be of service?"

Obviously, Haise hadn't expected you. And he was apparently not as good as you when it came to hiding his surprise. "Oh..! Um... is Uta in today? He's the one I talked with the last time I visited."

On cue, the man walked back in. He received odd stares from Haise's little gang of misfits. As if they had the right to judge. One's eyes were triangular, another had shark teeth, the girl was apparently smaller than a toddler and the last boy... oh, he looked familiar alright. That's the sweetheart from the auction. If you had been allowed to participate, you would have bought him in a heartbeat.

So they had turned Kaneki into a (mother) dove, huh?

"It's very nice to see you again, Sasaki." Uta greeted as he stopped near you, leaning on your shoulder as he observed the little squad in front of you. "Let me guess, you're here for masks."

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