Incubus | Mutsuki Tooru

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A/N: I'm sorta planning on making a whole other book for this thing and I need feedback!

Also I want ya'll to know that the incubus idea isn't mine. it's @supermiinah who came up with it, and I messaged them to ask if I had the permission to use the idea, and as soon as they answer, if they deny it, i'll take this off the one shot book! Until then, enjoy!

Your walking pace slowed down once you hit more cramped streets in your city. You despised walking in busy streets like these with a passion. There was just so many people and so little ways to avoid accidental physical contact with them. You literally always had the words 'sorry' and 'my bad' on the tip of your tongue, ready to be exclaimed if needed.

But that was apparently not enough.

Turning your body to the side to avoid bumping into someone, you crashed into another person instead, sending you both tumbling down on the ground.

"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed, lifting yourself on your knees and looking down at the mess you created, the poor guy's papers scattering all around the sidewalk. You quickly gathered the ones that were around you, hoping you managed to get all of them before giving them to the man in front of you, an apologetic smile on your face. "Again, I'm so sorry." You stated.

"It's... It's fine." He muttered, slowly taking the papers from your hands, a dazzled expression on his face. How cliché. You wouldn't be surprised if he tried to ask for your number or something (not that you wouldn't give it to him, because you would ). "Thanks for... helping me. Not a lot of people would have done the same." He chuckled, putting away his stuff and helping you up. "It's very kind of you."

"It's nothing, it was partially my fault that you fell, after all." You explained before flashing him a small smile, which the green haired boy reciprocated. The way his olive green eyes lit up was absolutely adorable.

"Well, uh, have a nice day! Thank you." With that, the boy turned around and walked away, blending into the crowd (a bit too) soon after.

"Yeah, you too..." You muttered before turning around and making your way to your destination.

"Isn't it funny how he could be like, a serial killer or something?" Your friend joked, taking a sip of his coffee. "You could have had a pleasant talk with a serial killer or something."

"He wasn't a serial killer, Touma." You insisted, leaning over the table to lightly hitting the back of the male's head. "He was nice, and sort of shy. I can't imagine him being a serial killer."

"It's the ones quiet ones you always have to watch out for. That's what the saying says, no?" The sharp toothed male beside you added. "He could be a criminal."

"Oh my god you guys the poor man isn't a criminal!" You exclaimed, huffing in disbelief at how persistent the two boys were being.

"We're just messin' with ya! Right Hige?" Shirazu glanced at the pink haired boy sitting in front of you, smirking.

"Right, right." He said, waving off your annoyance. "Sorry for getting you worked up."

"As if you're sorry." Urie sarcastically commented. "Your goal in life is to literally annoy them until they murder you. If anything, that guy was the one who bumped into the serial killer, not the other way around."

"Not you too." You groaned, facepalming at Urie's words. "C'mon guys, can we switch the subject? I regret bringing it up..."

"We can talk about Aura's encounter yesterday nig--"

"That's alright, we don't need to!" The dark haired boy exclaimed, suddenly very comfortable with interrupting Saiko and speaking his mind, although that only lasted a few seconds before he curled back up on himself and shut up.

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