Day Off | Shirazu Ginshi

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Your alarm clock rang, making you sit up in bed and shut the beeping object off, swinging your legs off the bed and onto the cold floor. Jumping up, you ignored the annoyed groan behind you and walked over to your closet, opening it and pulling out clothes to work out in.

"(Y/N), it's barely nine..." You heard Ginshi mutter before burying his head in his pillow.

"Yeah, no. We're going to that Exclusive Fit class together, Shirazu!" Once you were changed, you tugged the covers off of him, watching as he curled up on himself from the cold air.

"How are you so awake..." He mumbled.

"No idea, but get up! I'll make breakfast!" You smiled, waiting for him to get out of bed.

"I don't wanna..." He groaned, reaching for the covers. You slapped his hand away.

"Ginshi!" You scolded. "All this Quinx training blessed us with amazing bodies and if we don't work out it'll all turn into fat!"

"What ever. As long as you still swear and moan like you do, you're hot to me." That might've been flattering, if it weren't for how stubborn he was right now. Did you act like this?

"Alright, that's enough, drama queen." With that, you slid an arm under his back and one under his knees, lifting him out of bed and settling him feet first on the floor, ignoring his surprised yelps and complaints. "Get dressed, I'll make you coffee. Extra strong."

"I hate you." He muttered before heading to the closet to pick out his clothes for the session. "This was supposed to be our day off..."

"Sure you do." You sarcastically said, walking out of the room. "And we took a whole week off, Ginshi. We can be lazy another day."

"You could've told me that yesterday night!" The blonde yelled while getting dressed.

"Are you still on your after glow?!" You yelled back, incredulous. "God, you're worst than me! Are you gonna be on your man periods soon by any chance?"

"That's not even a thing." Ginshi said as he walked out and sat down in the kitchen, watching you make coffee. "And it's not my fault if I'm still... You're just good." The shark boy glanced away, a small blush on his cheeks.

After all these years, he's still flustered.

"Thanks, Ginshi. You're not so bad yourself." You said, turning back towards him with two cups of coffee, settling one in front of him. "Are you really gonna wear that shirt?" You questioned.

"What? What's wrong with it?" Shirazu asked, looking down at his dry fit shirt, trying to figure out what the problem was.

"Your collarbones are showing way too much." You said, brows furrowing. "I don't want every lady in there to throw themselves at you."

"You're worst than me! And besides, once they see I'm with you, they'll be envious. It's a win-win, no?" You tilted your head in confusion at Shirazu's words.

"How do you win?" You asked.

"I'll have you checking me out during the whole session."


"I hate you so much for making me go through this." Shirazu said, panting too heavily to even drink water.

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