Interrupted Training | Ui Koori

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A/N: whoops two Koori oneshots in twenty four hours I'm (not) sorry, but this boy doesn't have a lot of stuff out there sO- (#whatplottheresnoplot) 

Careful now this one has SEXUAL THEMES in it

You dodged another swing from your opponent, grunting at the soreness in your legs. Still, you pushed the feeling in the back of your mind and moved as swiftly as possible around, avoiding every punch and kick the man was throwing your way. 

Adrenaline pumped through your veins and your brain worked hard to find a way to turn the situation around. Defense was never your strong suit, and you were running out of energy fast. You had to get into offense mode as quickly as possible before the fight was lost. Not that you could afford the loss, anyways. It would be the end of it for you. 

You found an opening when your opponent hesitated to throw a second jab your way, and you took the opportunity to fake a right hook, only to jump and attempt to roundhouse kick him when he was about to block the 'punch'. 

You managed to make him stumble to the right a bit, and took the chance to switch the roles and get into your good old offense mode. 

You were jabbing, throwing cross punches, hooks, upper cuts, you name it, you did it, all the while making sure there was no pattern he could notice. With the occasional kick in knee, you had a feeling you'd win the fight soon enough. 

Aiming a right hook to his jaw, the man turned towards you, his raven hair hitting you square in the face and causing you to close your eyes and stumble back a bit. He took advantage of your thrown off state to hook a feet behind your legs, causing you to fall on the floor, pinned your arms above your head and set a knee on your stomach.

 You couldn't believe his hair was your downfall. 

"I win." Koori said, smirking. 

"There were so many unfair variables in this fight!" You complained. "First, you challenged me after I had finished my work out, which means your muscles weren't as tired as mine, then you said we wouldn't have weapons- no one's gonna get into a fist fight with a ghoul!- and then you didn't tie your hair back like I told you to do! This was unfair on countless levels, Ui." 

"Admit defeat, (L/N)." He said, completely ignoring your complaining. Not like he could say more than a sentence, he was quite tired himself and his lungs would probably collapse from the lack of oxygen right now. 

"Why would I do that? One, I'm not gonna admit defeat on the battle field until I'm lying dead on the ground, and two," You did a once-over of Koori before smirking. "This is kinda hot." 

'Ah ha,' You thought when you noticed Koori lean back and blink. 'it seems I caught you off guard.' 

You took advantage of his semi-trance to flip the two of you over. You mimicked his previous actions, pinning his hands above his head and sat on his lap, using your weight to keep his wrists in place. 

"Admit defeat, Ui." You mocked with a grin on your face. 

"Okay, I understand how you feel." He sighed. 

"Those aren't the words, dear." You teased, shifting on his lap which obviously caused him to tense up. You leaned down closer to his face, your breath fanning over his lips. "Beg." You whispered, holding back a devilish laugh when you noticed the tinge of pink on his cheeks. That's right, feel embarrassed, Bowl Cut. 

Before one of you could say anything, you heard the familiar tune of Asphyxia playing on your phone, which caused you to sit up on his lap, initiating the last bit of friction between the two of you before getting off him and walking to your bag. 

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