Save You | Suzuya Juuzou

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A/N: This chapter has SPOILERS for those who haven't finished the manga, ANGST and FOUL LANGUAGE!

And yes, I know it's sort of OOC to have Juuzou NOT kill his s/o because they're a ghoul, but he didn't kill Uta when he impersonated Shinohara, so it sort of makes sense, if he and his s/o have been together for a long time, no?

You ran. You hadn't ran this fast in... Well, you never ran this fast in your life before.

It was a super bad idea to come to this gathering and you knew it, you should have followed your instincts and stayed home to finish your boyfriend's paperwork, but noooo, little (Y/N) here had to go out and get themselves in trouble because working for the CCG isn't dangerous enough.

Not to mention if you came across anyone from the office and they recognize you, down goes the Washuu clan. Not that you'd mind, really. You never liked them or V for that matter, but still... You'd die, and that wasn't in your bucket list.

You quickly turned the last corner, stopping in your tracks at the human standing right in front of the exit you were planning to use.

"Aw, did ghoul-chan want to escape?" The male said, his cold and mocking tone sending shivers through your body. You stood still, keeping your distance from your boyfriend as he stalked towards you, Jason in his right hand. You really didn't want to know what that blade would feel like stabbing you... "Are you scared? Don't be!"

You lowered your kagune as he approached, determined not to lay a hand on him, even though he couldn't even see your face thanks to your mask. You'd figure a way to get through without harming him, and you'll go back to work tomorrow as if nothing ever happened! Right?

"Not much of a talker, huh? That's alright, I'll help you with that!" Juuzou leaped forward, bringing his quinque behind him to attempt to hit you with it, but luckily your reflexes were fast enough, so you dodged the attack by a few centimetres.

"Let's see how loud I can make you scream, hmm?"

Oh god, why did that scare you as much as it did?

You didn't have much time to figure it out. You were primarily focused on not dying by the hands of your boyfriend, so fear was simply an afterthought right now.

Suzuya swung his quinque at you one more time while you were distracted by your thoughts and you felt the weapon hit your mask, sending it tumbling a few meters away.

"Fuck." You muttered, backing off and keeping your gaze on the ground as if that would help you stay incognito.

Juuzou stopped abruptly, lowering his quinque once his eyes fell on you.

"(Y/N)?" He asked, disbelieving. There was no way it could be you, right? You worked at the CCG, you can't be a ghoul! Maybe it was just a look alike.

The remaining of Suzuya's hope was crushed once you finally gained the courage to make eye contact with him. There's no one else that could have those very same (e/c) eyes and hold those exact feelings inside them. It was you, no doubt about it.

"But... What? How?" He questioned, dropping his weapon to the ground. Fuck fighting. He wasn't about to kill the only (conscious) person who loved him for who he was. "Why?"

"I'm sorry..." You said, heart breaking for him. "I just... I want to feel human so badly, Juuzou." It was the truth. Sometimes, you got so into your role as his assistant and as his lover that you made yourself believe that you were completely human and not a flesh eating monster. "I'm so sorry that I had to be this." 

Juuzou looked you from head to toe, confused about everything. He trusted you, and he thought you trusted him. You had been his support through everything. The two of you were like two veterans. You both were so close, so why did you never say anything? Why did he never notice anything? Just... why? Why was life so cruel towards the two of you?

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