Quit | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: lol I'm sorry about how much I write about Karren I just wish she could have had a happy life she deserves it ok. Also whoopsy daisies guess who screwed up the TG timeline big time in a oneshot? This gal. I ain't sorry

You watched as your girlfriend and her uncle spoke— well more like how her uncle ordered her around, really— and frowned. Wasn't she actually related by blood to them? How come she's serving them? Is that how rich families take in other family members..?

You subtly shook your head. This is the 21st century after all. No one should be treated this way.

"(Y/N)?" Shuu's gentle voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you turned your attention back to him. "You've been zoning out. ...or were you checking out Kanae?" A smirk appeared on his face as you shook your head.

Right, Karren was known as 'Kanae' here... You had always found it awful that she had to hide who she actually was.

"I'm not checking he- him out." You countered. "Sorry for spacing out. You were talking about a university student who smelled good?" You asked, trying to get back into the conversation.

"Good?! He smelled amazing!" Shuu exclaimed.

"Is it Kaneki?" You asked, deadpanning. Of course it would be that kid. He's been getting in so much trouble since he joined Anteiku...

"Yes! That's him! Do you know him?" Shuu excitedly asked.

"Yes, and I don't think you should try to eat him. He's under Anteiku's—and by extension, Yoshimura's—protection. Besides, he's a friend." You said. "Find yourself a human lunch, like all of us, Shuu. That kid will get you in trouble, and vice versa."

"What do you mean 'by extension, Yoshimura'?" Shuu asked, confused.

"Buddy," you started, dramatically inhaling. "You have no idea what you'd be dealing with if you were to get on his bad side..."

'Please tell me he'll back off...' You silently prayed. You didn't want Kaneki to get involved with people like Shuu. Sure, you were on good terms with him, but that's because a) you're a pure blood ghoul and b) you're a friend of his. The poor kid's been dealing with far more than enough for now.

"I'm the Gourmet, (Y/N). It's expected of me to go through great lengths to attain the best food possible." He said proudly.

"What ever, I warned you." You sighed, getting up. "I need to head back anyways. I have an early shift tomorrow morning." With that, you waved to him and started walking away until Shuu called for you to wait up. Intrigued, you stopped and turned around to see him walking towards you, Karren in tow.

"...what's up?" You asked, slightly confused.

"It's pouring outside. Kanae will walk you home, so you don't get soaked." He explained, pointing at the umbrella Karren was holding.

"Er... I'm not made of salt, Shuu. A little rain won't hurt me..." You said. You didn't want her to catch a cold, either.

"Nonsense! Besides, I'm sure the two of you will hit it off quite well." He winked at this. "See you soon, (Y/N)!" With that, the purple head turned on his heels and started walking further into the house.

"Don't you dare go after that poor kid!" You called out, before exiting the mansion with Karren, both of you under the large umbrella. Once you were out of the Tsukiyama property, you chuckled. "Shuu's trying to play match maker it seems."

"It's nice to know we sort of have his blessing." Karren answered, smiling. "Maybe we won't need to hide anymore... If Master Mirumo were to accept our relationship too."

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