Ashamed | Sasaki Haise

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A/N: yes, I finished TG:re and yes, I'm aware of touken but c'mon lil Haise deserves at least his happiness even if it's not forever (because let's be honest things'll go to shit in the relationship once Reaper!Haise/Kaneki takes over).

You were so ashamed, yet, the reason to your shame was so petty that it simply doubled the amount of guilt you were feeling over this whole scenario.

Seeing everyone around you baring their own scars, hearing everyone tell their own unique, sad yet inspiring story... And you had nothing.

He lost both of his parents to ghouls.
Her father was an associate special class investigator killed by a ghoul.
His father was an investigator killed during an owl extermination operation.
He's working here to make money for his sick sister.
Her mother forced her to join for the money.
His adoptive father was a ghoul.
He joined the CCG at fifteen years old due to his incredible talent.
He was kidnapped and raised by a sadistic ghoul, so the CCG took him in.
His family was killed by ghouls.
His best friend went missing so he's here to try and find him again.
He can't remember his past or who he used to be.

And so on.

Everyone had a sad story, a horrible tragedy, late parents or siblings. Everyone had unbearable emotional trauma and some even have mental disorders due to it. The first thing investigators ask once they befriend one another is their story. What had broken them, what made them join. It was the one thing everyone had in common.

Yet you had nothing. No unique talent, no scars, no family trouble, no dead family members because of ghouls. Usually, people would be happy to hear about that, but when you live in an environment where loss is normal, people like you were considered abnormal and out of their minds to be in a business like this. You had always been ashamed of that.

Ever since you joined and learned of how out of place you truly were, you didn't quit. You weren't a quitter for one, and working in the CCG had been a dream of yours, after all. You just... Made yourself invisible. You only spoke when absolutely needed, you stayed in the average work ethic and always hid from others. It worked to a certain extent, and you were satisfied, until you had to meet the Quinx squad.

Seeing as they weren't all males, it was protocol that there had to be a female superior in the household too, and you just had to be miraculously chosen for the job, meaning your cover up and hiding will all go to shit.

And it did.

People were seeing you now, pointing at you and whispering about how you were partially in charge for synthetic half ghouls, and how the Quinx were just mistakes. All you could tell yourself was that at least they weren't talking about your 'abnormal' past...

"So, what's wrong with you, Urie?" Shirazu asked as he settled down on the couch, next to you. "What's the backstory, I mean."

You had to get out, and quickly. But you couldn't just up and leave, they'd notice. And they'd ask questions. Especially with Haise around... You couldn't tell him about what you were scared of. The poor boy has hands down the worst past ever. You'd just be making him feel worse about himself... And never would you want to see that sweet man sad. It'd just break your heart.

"My father was killed by the Owl." He muttered, eyes never leaving the newspaper he was holding.

'Okay, (Y/N). On three, you'll just get up, go to the kitchen to make them think you're getting water or something, and you'll just go to your room.' You said, trying to give yourself a pep talk.


"That's sad. 'M sorry for your loss." Shirazu muttered.

'Two,' you took a deep breath.

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