La Vie en Rose | Tsukiyama Shuu

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A/N: this is loosely based on Louis Armstrong's La Vie en Rose, which is so good and it warms my heart every time I listen to it so why not corrupt it with angst? THIS CONTAINS TOKYO GHOUL:RE SPOILERS SO HEADS UP!

I added a link to the video so you can know what I mean by it actually warms my cold dead heart and soul I love this song so much it makes me fall in love.

Also, be warned there's a lot of French words here and there since I'm fluent in the language as well, so have google translate at the ready! (Be warned some scenes aren't like from the manga because I'm too lazy I'M SORRY)

You collapsed on your couch, taking in the white ceiling above you.

Working in the CCG was such a bad fucking idea.

You closed your eyes and took deep breaths, trying to find everything positive in your life and think of only that, and not the trouble that would come up in the future.

Your childhood friends, those little innocent kids who didn't know about the problems adulthood would give them and the pain it would cause.

Your family, who have been worrying about your wellbeing ever since you enrolled in the CCG, and who you haven't seen in such a long time.

Your friends, most of whom are fighting against ghouls everyday struggling to keep 'peace' in this hell of a city.

Your lover, who was probably the only positive thing you had left. He was a literal ray of positivity and love, busting down the front door of your apartment every once in a while, insisting that the two of you do something together because your job has been keeping you from him.

You smiled at the thought, and your head snapped to the door once you heard it fly open, knowing exactly who it was.

"(Y/N), ma chère!" Shuu greeted as he hugged your now standing form. "You've arrived earlier than I thought!"

You hugged him back and laughed. "What, you just wanted to break into my apartment again?"

"I wanted to surprise you, but I suppose I wouldn't mind if the roles were switched." He hummed as he breathed in your scent.

See, at this point in your relationship with Shuu, gestures like that had just gotten endearing instead of creepy or unsettling. Now that you're dating someone like him, you could never go back to the regular folks ever again. Not that you wanted to. You'd spend eternity with him if it was possible.

"So what brings you to my apartment on this gloo- beautiful day?" You pulled away from him to sit down on the couch once again, and encouraged him to mimic your actions. He happily complied and pulled you to his chest.

"My father wanted us three to have diner tonight. You don't have to if you don't want to, but I have to say you handled it pretty well the last time, trésor." His fingers started trading patterns on your arm.

You were about to answer, but your memories stopped you from doing so.


"There's a resemblance in the two, that's for sure. I can see it, can't you, Ui?" You asked, ripping your gaze away from the pictures of the crime scene. You were glad you knew how to act, because this entire situation was making you incredibly nervous.

'They found Kanae out. They found Kanae out. Oh my god they'll find Shuu.' Your mind repeated these thoughts like a broken record.

"The Rosewald descendant can't survive. We'll call them Rose for now. Kijima, can we entrust this to you?" Matsuri asked.

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