Ten Years | Tsukiyama Shuu

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A/N: wow, two Tsukiyama one shots back to back! Lowkey weird..
CAUTION: THERE WAS SPOILERS TO THE TG : RE ENDING. This entire fic is a fuckin spoiler
Also hee hee beware it gets a bit intense but there isn't anything too graphic, just suggestions of sexual themes

Life was nice, now. The constant stress that used to come with being a ghoul had gone and its absence had done miracles for your spirit and body. It had also given you a chance to live a better life. One with a big, happy family. You couldn't be more blessed than with the one who chose you.

"She's going to start pre-school soon, isn't she?" You muttered, earning yourself a punch from the girl who had been through it all with you. It was so weird to see Touka as a parent when every time you saw her, she still looked the way she did at the very beginning of this tragedy. While others can gawk and complain that they had all changed, nothing really did change. You'd sometimes look around the room and see people the way you first saw them all those years ago. It was enough to make you cry. "What?! She IS, isn't she? I'm just trying to get you to face reality before you become one of those parents who are overprotective of their kids because they can't let them grow!"

"Don't say that today, stupid!" Touka growled back. "Ken's having a fucking midlife crisis because she's turning four!" You snickered at the thought.

"Sooner rather than later she'll be calling him her old man. He can't have his crisis before then!" You argued. You had expected her to call you a shithead, or to punch you again but instead, she chuckled and silently agreed. That surprised you greatly. In the new but comfortable silence, the two of you scanned over the room filled with people who all had one thing in common; love and respect for the Kaneki family. While you didn't know all of them personally, you recognized them all. Ghouls and former CCG employees alike. It was less tense now that the TSC was in place.

Kaneki walked into the room, followed by Hide who tried miserably to sing happy birthday to the little girl sitting amongst the loving adults (and few kids that Miza, Naki, Takeomi and Yoriko had brought). The white haired father placed the ghoul-friendly cake (a birthday gift from Kimi and Nishiki) in front of her daughter and struggled to hold back his tears as she blew out all four candles.

"He's such a softie..." your remark was cut short when you turned to Touka and noticed that she too had watery eyes. You were surrounded by softies. And soon, another one attacked you from behind.

A soft hand almost violently tugged your head to their flat chest, smoothening your hair down and hugging your shoulders with the arm that wasn't painfully twisting your neck. "Triste!" Shuu's distinguished voice cried out while most were cheering Ichika for being able to blow out all of her candles at once. "Our little princess is growing up too fast."

"Shuu, you gave me whiplash." You threatened, fingernails this close to tearing his hand open. "Let me breathe." Nothing of the sort happened. Instead, the man hugged you tighter, muttering something about how he needed the comfort of the closest friend he had.

Now, don't get this wrong. He was in no way doing something against your consent. Tsukiyama wasn't that type of man. It was just that after a decade of friendship, the two of you had developed a love-hate-love relationship. Yes, love-hate-love. While you had a few moments like these where all you wanted to do was catch him outside and throw hands, you (and Touka) had outgrown your rebellious phase and were able to enjoy even the hate aspect of the friendship. Besides, you couldn't exactly cut a bitch yet, because today was Ichika's day and you wouldn't make a scene.

Awkwardly, you patted Shuu's hand which rested on the side of your face. "She's not even your daughter and you're crying more than Kaneki is." You mumbled.

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