26. Fear

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July 26, 2018

"What scares you a little? What do you feel whenscared? How do you react?"


Fear, a four lettered word defining a specific human emotion, or rather a human name for an emotion that is felt and displayed by all living organisms. This word, like the other four letter words for emotions (like, love, hate, pity, envy, etc.), encompasses a far greater intensity than what one would expect a four letter word to do (e.g. rage is more intense than anger).

It is such a small world yet, represents a plethora of feelings, a hint of anxiety, a trace of worry, the shadow of ignorance and a twinge of hope. It leaves one in a state of perspiration and inspiration, after all fear does lend one wings. It could also leave you panting and hyperventilating, wondering if you will get out alive (that is an extreme case, but I just could not resist getting all melodramatic).

So what are the things that scare me a little?

⦿Driving in the inane traffic in my city (it is chaotic to say the least and a nightmare at times)

⦿Wearing a new dress in a style or a colour I have not tried on (It is scary, I am not sure whom to believe, the mirror or the person who compliments / complains)

⦿Having to write a self-appraisal of my performance (I hate this, it was demanded in my previous organisation. Why cannot my work speak for itself, either it is dumb or my boss is deaf. Further it was frustrating for the online submissions were never read, I know, for a couple of us actually wrote nonsense for some portions - there was no impact on our ratings)

How I react, depends on the end result, the rewards. If it has to be done or the rewards is worth it, I will go ahead and do it, despite being scared. However, if the end result is not worthy of fighting that fear, I will surrender, curl up in a corner and read a book (that is a sure cure for most of the things in life).


Word count 340

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