102. Wardrobe

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October 10, 2018

"Write about a fashion model or what's currently in your closet or drawers."


That is not a picture of my wardrobe, it is how I wish my wardrobe looked like. 

My clothes cupboard is messy and unorganised, looking like a cross between a storm ravaged city and a earthquake effected village. My clothes are haphazard, to be washed in one pile on a shelf and some in the laundry basket, a shelf of clothes which have been washed and ironed but too boring to wear, or ironed but not in a set so I cannot wear them. And then there are the clothes which I no longer interested in wearing, those were mistakes, looked good on the rack at shop and in the dressing room, but in my room and in my mirror, they are ghastly mistakes. Then there is a shelf, which consists of material that I have purchased, yards of silk and cotton, chiffon and crepe, which I yet to match and then have them tailored.

It is not that I do not attempt to bring order into my wardrobe, I am not regular with it. I clean and air my cupboards, stack them and step back to admire my organised clothes. Wow, it looks cleans and wonderful. Unfortunately, it does not last, for each day I am in a hurry or lazy and I think, tomorrow I will re-adjust that stack, tomorrow I will fold and keep away, tomorrow.

As you know, tomorrow does not come and my clothes cupboard goes back to looking like a tornado destroyed town. I keep hoping, someday I will achieve the discipline needed to have my wardrobe looking picture perfect, anytime of the day.


Word count 268

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