156. Swish, Buzz, Pop

17 2 5

December 3, 2018

"Create a poem that uses Onomatopoeia."


Achoo! you sneeze, a bit loudly too

When buzz goes the bee round you

Chatter go your teeth a cold when you catch

Drip drip the water from the roof's patch

Eek she shrieks, when the spider she sees

Fizz goes the soda, as the cork you release

 In hunger,your stomach goes growl

Haha haha, in rolling  mirth you howl

Icky sticky is the gummy toffee sweet

Jingle of keys as you walk down the street

Knock, knock, a visitor at the door

La la, a merry tune to make you snore

Meow, you could use it to call the cat

Neigh does a horse when you give it a pat

Oink, oink oink goes the pink pig

Poof, when it bursts, the secret big

Quack quack, the call of the duck

Rumble, distant, of the large passing truck

Shhh! A request to be silent and still

Tick-tock, time never stops, do what you will

Urgh! a taste so gross and vile

Vroom vroom, speeding through miles 

Woof, woof the warning of guarding dog

Xxxt, the twig stuck in the wheel's cog

Yahoo! I am almost done here

Zzzz! Did you fall asleep, dear?


Word count - 171 That was fun, even if the poem turned out to be stupid and senseless.

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