Chapter 1~That night

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Hanna's POV

It keeps replaying in my head and It won't stop. He came over to my house just as my mom was leaving and of course she let him in before she left because she thinks he is perfect. Well, if only she knew what he did to me tonight.

We started talking and I was surprised at how nice he was being to me. I told him that it was getting late and I had to shower so he said he would leave.

I was getting into the shower and I didn't hear the front door shut but I didn't think much of it until Sean walked through my bathroom door and pulled me out of the shower and onto the bed.

I was so scared and I didn't know what to do and I tried to push him off of me but it was too late. I just stopped trying and started crying. he was hitting me, and blocking my mouth with his hands and I didn't know what to do. I started screaming and kicking again and that's when he stopped and ran out of the house.

I must have sat on my bed for about half an hour just staring at the wall before I realized that the shower was still on. I went to turn it off and sat on the floor.

Now I don't know what I am supposed to do tell someone? Fid he even use protection? Probably not. Oh god what am I going to do? I started sobbing and crying really hard when Aria called me I tried to stop crying and picked the phone up.

"Hello?" my attempt to sound like I wasn't crying failed miserably.

"Hi Han.. what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong why are you asking?"

"Because you are crying. Seriously what's wrong?"

"Seriously, it's nothing" I was insisting

"Ok well can u come over I was gonna invite Em and spencer to watch a movie at my place"

"Uhm ya I'll be there in 15 do you need me to bring anything ?"

"No it's fine. bye hanna"

"Bye aria. "

I hung up and dug my face into my pillow and started crying why did I agree to that??? I'm probably going to brake down into tears over there.

I started getting ready and putting makeup on so my eyes didn't look so red and I just tied my hair up in a ponytail. I put on a pair of white skinny jeans and a pinks tank top with my white sweater and got into my car.

Before I started driving I promised myself I would not say anything to the girls or anybody and that I wouldn't cry because I don't like crying in front of people. I finished giving myself a pep talk then I left for Aria's.

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