New York Days

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It was a typical morning in my house. Mom and dad yelling at eachother, slamming doors and throwing shoes. My brother Jaden in his room probably getting high as a kite. Me? Well I was just hanging out in my room, but I was leaving. I never spend the days at home, this is why. I hate my family, they're all drunk stoners. I usually walk down the streets of New York, do my own thing. What is my own thing you ask? Well, someone has to make money to support their addictions so we don't lose our shitty house. I "work" I guess is what you'd call it. Actually no, I'd call it that. You'd probably call it.. drug dealing, pickpocketing and stealing. Nobody wants to hire a downtown kid, so that's all I've got.

I always go out my window so I don't have to deal with them. "Elena where are you going?" "Elena roll me a joint" and so much more. This is the only way I can get out without being bombarded. I jump out the window and land on my feet, slipping my jacket on as I walk away. Now, since I'm a kid, nobody ever suspects me. I'm 16 but I can pass as a promising 14 year old when I try.

Oh, I'm Elena by the way, but I never use my name when I'm working. New York knows me as Ember Scott. I just kinda came up with it one day don't even bother asking why. It's safer to go by an alias than your real name, especially in my line of work. I've grown up doing this, so I'm pretty good at it now, especially the pickpocketing part. Just run into them, grab their wallet, watch or whatever, take the stuff and tell them they dropped it. It's sometimes too easy. The stealing part however is a bit harder. Picking locks, easy. Just use a hairpin. It's the getting out unnoticed part, usually I'm pretty good at it though. I keep gloves on at all times so I leave no prints. I've never been to jail or even caught and I never plan to.

I was feeling a little lazy today, I had to meet with a client at 10 in an alley 4 blocks from my house. I slipped my hood on and walked there. When I got there I pulled my ski mask over my face, this was the most dangerous work I did. It wasn't hard drugs, just weed. Of course, it was bad but I needed money and this paid really well.

(Just a quick A/N---- this is all fiction!! Please do not get involved in anything I write about in this story!)

The client got there right at 10, I never spoke to my client, I just held out the bag and they gave me the money. Easy and hassle free today, thank god. I really wasn't in the mood for a foot chase. I was pretty fast and nobody ever got away from me. I just caught them and beat em up a bit. These people know even less about me, to them, I'm "E.S." I like it this way. The less people know about me, the easier my jobs are.

The day went by like it was nothing. I stole a few wallets, from rich looking people. I probably had about $150 on my person right now. A usual days income. Some money I keep for myself, but most of it goes towards the house and bills and the adult stuff that I shouldn't have to worry about. I'm the only sober one in my family so I have to worry about everything to keep those idiots alive. Sure, I've thought of leaving but they're my family. I couldn't let them go homeless and hungry. They got me here. I don't know if here is a good place to be, well, I know it's not but I could've been dead or druggies like them. My health was good because I was always chasing down punks who think they're slick trying to rip me off. I know all their tricks now, nothing ever gets by me.

I headed home a little earlier than normal. It was probably about 3:30 and I was getting hungry. I stopped at a diner on the way home and got a burger and some fries. Nobody ever cooks at home, I go grocery shopping or if mom isn't drunk for an hour, she might go but nobody cooks. They just "graze" if that's even the right word. I'm 16 and the head of the household. The house is in my dad's name but he does nothing to keep it clean or even ours for crying out loud. I needed a miracle, but miracles are for believers. After what I've seen and been through, miracles are just a load of BS to me.

I hopped back into my room from my window and but my money away. I keep it in an old box that used to have tampons, that way nobody goes in it. My room is the only clean one, Jaden's room doesn't even have a floor anymore I don't think. My parents' room, it's covered in bottles and garbage. Slobs. Once everyone decides to turn in for the night, I usually go out into the living room and get some food and watch a few minutes of TV. It's usually the news because I never have enough time to actually get into any shows. Today was no different from any other day, so that's exactly what I did. My family usually came off their high at around 7, which is usually when they went to bed, which gave me a few hours of El time.

I clicked the TV on and turned it to the news channel. It was about the Avengers. I don't really know how I feel about them. They think they're so great, but are they really? They destroyed half the city and that Tony guy really bothers me. He's a billionaire and I'm sitting here living in a crappy neighborhood with my crappy family. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, he's selfish. If I had to chose one, it would be Natasha Romanoff. She's so badass. The other ones, I don't really have an opinion about. Bruce is kinda creepy honestly, he needs to chill out a bit. So does Steve Rogers. Whatever, nothing new on the news so I turned it off and went to bed. Another day come and gone.

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