Finally Okay Again

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Peter brought me back upstairs a few hours after I had my panic attack, I got over it. I've cooled off plenty and I'm good now. It was an accident, I didn't know it would happen... I only double dosed for God's sake, must be some strong stuff. I guess now I could say I was finally a Johnson. Finally I was a member of my family I guess. No, I would never do it again, but I didn't feel guilty anymore. I was finally okay.
Today was the day that marked 6 weeks from the operation. My casts were coming off in an hour. Everything turned around and I was finally so damn happy. Peter and I walked down to the hospital and sat in the waiting area. We figured that if we got there early, I might get in earlier, as a matter of fact... I did.

It was 11:48am when I stepped foot into the room. I didn't really know how they got casts off, nobody in my family's ever had one. I was a bit nervous but I really didn't have a good reason to be. After 6 weeks of being left handed only and walking on crutches or with this leg cast on, it was finally over! I smiled to myself as the doctor closed the door, Doctor Leigh was really nice, so that calmed me down a little bit. I decided I wanted to go in on my own, so Peter was waiting outside in the waiting room.

The process was fast and painless, she basically just cut them off. I slowly rolled my hand into a fist and opened it again, painless. I stepped down on my leg, all good. I almost started crying with joy, but recently I've been doing far too much of that. I thanked her a million and one times and walked out into the waiting room. Peter jumped up when he saw me, grinning from ear to ear. This is why I loved Peter, he genuinely supported me. It was real, he was real.

I went back to training every day and preparing for missions and whatever else these people do. I thought that joining the Avengers would change me, but in reality? I'm exactly the same, just a better fighter with cool friends I guess. I'm still the same Elena Johnson with the same attitude and sass. I still had my witty comebacks and enough content to still sass Tony, even after all this time.

We laughed alot in the tower, and boy do I mean alot. It's almost like everything to them it's a joke except work. When it's time to work, they work hard. It's really cool but it's still fun to work with them. I haven't been on a mission yet but I'm going to join Natasha next month on one of her easier ones. It'll help me get warmed up I guess, but it's cool.

I think I'm ready for that mission too. I got a new shirt that was indeed not latex but cotton instead. It was much more comfortable and easier to move in. I was also supposed to be going to May's again soon with Peter, he apparently made arrangements for a "take two," I guess.

Now we just have to play the waiting game.

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