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 *language warning*

  He was gentle but hungry and full of passion. We felt the elevator stop so we quickly broke away smiling and giggling like sixth graders. The door opened and the crew was in the living room watching TV. They turned to see who it was and when they looked at us we were bombarded with questions.

  "So Elena? How was it?"
  "It was awesome, she's actually wonderful," I smiled. I couldn't seem to stop.
  "What's got you so smiley?" Steve asked.
  "Nothing, just a good night." I responded.
  "Elena, your lipstick is smu- oh my god!" Natasha screeched. I quickly wiped my lips and pretended to act dumb.
  "What? My lipstick? We had dinner it'll probably be messy."
  "Tony you're getting this too right?"
  "I think we all are," Tony snickered back.
  "I'm... not?" Steve added.
  "OoOoOhhhh," Natasha was going to get a punch later.
  "What's happening?" Steve asked.
  "You're so clueless Steve," Tony said between laughter.

  Peter and I were just standing there infront of the elevator while everyone was laughing... well except for Steve. He couldn't really grasp what was going on like the others could.
  "Good night eh?" Tony asked, winking.
  "Yeah, MAY really seemed to like me this time."
  "I think someone else does too," Wanda giggled.
  "What's going on you guys? What's so funny?" Steve still hadn't been brought up to speed yet.
  "Can't you see grandpa? Elena and Peter were just making out in the elevator!" Natasha said between laughs.
  "What? No no! No!!" Peter started.
  "Oh my goodness you were not! You're just kids! Have patience!" Steve yelled.
  "Steve!" I yelled back.
  "Everyone shut up for a second," Tony called out. "Let's not poke around in their relationship, they aren't the best at hiding it yet."
  "What relationship? We're just friends!" I was getting a little stressed now.
  "Mhm why's your lipstick on his lips then? Hmm?"
  "It's tinted lip balm and uh he...  he uh had chapped lips in the car. Yeah." I said.
  "My ass!" Natasha yelled.
  "She's not kidding look it's in my pocket," Peter showed them the lip balm I packed, just in case.
  "Why's his shirt wrinkled like someone was, I don't know... grabbing it?"
  "Uh," he looked down, "no idea."
  "Just admit it already, you guys are for real now right? Not just faking it to scare the shit outta Tony?" Natasha asked.
  "No!" We both yelled at the same time.
  "Why are you guys matching then?"
  "Coincidence," I added.
  "So you wouldn't mind if I asked Friday to play the elevator security footage would you?"
  "That's not necessary..." Peter started.
  "Hey Friday?" Tony called.
  "NO!" I yelled.
  "Why not?" Tony asked, trying to be innocent.
  "Uh.... Just um," I stuttered.
  "Ah screw it El, yes, we might've um," Peter stumbled.
  "SHIT we kissed okay? Happy? Alright. Peter let's get outta here," I finished.
  "Fuck off Steve!"
  "Aww man you just got told," Pietro teased.

  So now everyone knew Peter and I kissed a little bit, um. I'm not too sure how I feel about that because we aren't dating. It was just a kiss, I guarantee he didn't feel anything. Just a "good job," kiss. We walked into my room kinda laughing at all the shit that just went down. We flopped onto my bed and just talked about the night. It was the best night I've had in a while, my god was I over the moon.

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