Somewhere Else

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  I woke up to the bright sunlight, when I sat up, I realized I wasn't in my bed. That wasn't the Sun, it was a lamp. I wasn't in my house. I wasn't in the tower either. I was somewhere else. Somewhere I haven't been before and it looked dangerous. Everything was metal, the table I was strapped to, the floor and all the other furniture. What the hell? I struggled against the restraints but they wouldn't budge. The leather from the restraints dug into my skin and it hurt so damn bad. I cried out for help but my voice just echoed off the metal walls. Just when I though there was nobody around, a shadow appeared from around the corner.

  It appeared to be a man who was tall and scary. He stepped out into the light and grinned and evil, horrifying grin at me.
  "Dear, you don't need any help. We will help you."
  "Who the hell are you?"
  "Friends of your parents, Grey and Lena."
  "Who the hell is that?"
  "Your parents were bad people child, by taking you out of their care, you will be safe."
  "How'd you find me?"
  "I watched you grow up Elena Johnson."
  "That's whack. Let me go, I don't want your help."
  "I cannot do that."
  "Can I use your phone?"
  "We do not have one."
  "Can you..... take these off?" I motioned toward the restraints.
  "In fact, that is what I came here to do. You are moving to somewhere else."
  "Uh, okay?" He stepped towards me.

  He undid the restraints and grabbed my hands, aggressively. He pulled me up off the the table and pulled me into the hallway that he came from. There was nobody else around, now would be the perfect time. He held my hand so I backflipped over his arm, which twisted it causing him to call out in pain. and broke my hands free. I then kicked him in the stomach as he turned around and he tumbled to the ground. I ran down the hallway to my left but there was no exit. There had to be a door or a window somewhere in this place! I sprinted out of that room and into the next, nothing. They were all the same. I didn't have alot of time before he came for me, I had to move it.

  Room to room, there were no differences. I wasn't going to make it out of here before he caught me. I ran into the last room and almost screamed. A window! I opened it and realized that I was really high up. I'd get really hurt if I jumped out, but what other choice did I have? Whatever, I got on the outside ledge and just jumped. I flew through the air for what felt like forever, until the ground came at me.

  It was concrete, which made it worse. Turns out I wasn't that high up, but I didn't have time to ponder, I had to haul ass out of here. I stood up and my leg stung and burned at the same time, it's probably broken. I ran as fast as I could, I was actually getting away! Just when I reached the end of the driveway, my shoulder stung, really damn bad. I reached up to touch it and when I took my hand back it was covered in a sticky crimson liquid. Blood. I looked behind me, standing in the window was that man... with a gun. He shot me. He shot my shoulder. My shoulder had a bullet wound in it. My vision got blurry and I started to become unbalanced. It hurt really bad. I couldn't take it much longer. Step by step I kept walking but just as I reached the road, my vision went black.

  I wasn't unconscious but I couldn't really tell what was happening. I felt a pair of strong hands pick me up and I could hear arguing. It reminded me of Peter and I. Oh my god, Peter! I missed him so much, what was he doing? Where was he? Was he okay? The person holding me was rough and I was in so much pain. I could hear male voices talking, but I couldn't make out any words. I kept trying to put words together when one sentence was as clear as day to me.
  "You're in for it now kid."

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