Take Two

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  Peter's fist rose to the door and he knocked 3 times before stepping back. We waited just a second before the door opened up to reveal a smiling May.
  "Peter, Elena, come on in." She stepped back from the door and motioned for us to enter her house.
  "Nice to see you again May, I uh... brought you these flowers." Roses.
  "Thank you Elena, I love roses. Here, Peter will take you to the dining room while I find a vase for them.
  "This way El," Peter took my hand which earned him a quick look from May.

  We walked into the kitchen and Peter and I sat down next to eachother. May walked in holding the vase of roses and put some water into it when the oven dinged. Peter leaned over to me and whispered,
  "She's not a very good cook, beware," he giggled. I smiled at him.

  May went to the oven a opened it, taking out the contents. She coughed at the smoke rising from it and Peter audibly laughed.
  "Let's just order takeout," she mumbled.

  We went to go sit in the living room and talk until the Chinese food got here.
  "So, are you kids, dating?" She asked.
  "Oh, no, no. We're just really good friends." I responded.
  "Yes, May." Peter sighed.
  "Alright alright. So? How's the internship going for you guys?"
  "Really well. Mr. Stark is amazing to work with," I smiled.
  "Oh Elena! I heard you were in danger a while back, what happened?"
  "While I was walking home from here that night a while back, I went to my place and not the tower where I was staying. I was kidnapped by some people who my parents owed money or something."
  "You don't even seem phased honey! Are you alright?"
  "Oh yes, they beat me up pretty bad but the Avengers came and saved me. I guess Tony had a gut feeling something was wrong."
  "So have you guys met all the Avengers?"
  "Pretty much. I do paperwork for them."
  "That's so interesting!"
  "Thank you," I smiled again at her.

  As we were taking about the "internship" the doorbell rang. Peter got up to go get it while May and I stayed in the living room. I was really hoping that this wouldn't happen.
  "Elena, while Peter's gone... I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I treated you terribly."
  "It's alright May, I would've done the same. I understand completely."
  "It's not alright. I didn't even try to get to know you and I was still horrible to you."
  "Thank you," I gave her a small smile.
  "So, do you like like Peter?"
  "What?" I turned a cherry shade of red.
  "I see the way you guys look at eachother. He likes you Elena. He didn't even look at Liz that way."
  "Really?" I tried not to smile.
  "Really. He never stops talking about you."
  "Oh, wow." I blushed again.

  Peter came back into the room as I was looking down and blushing while May was giggling. Peter looked at her funny but walked into the living room and sat down next to me. My cheeks were still pink so I tried not looking directly at him. I wonder if what May was saying was actually true. She handed out the boxes and we all dug in.

  It was about 10:00 when we got up to leave. She told me I was welcome back anytime and Peter told her he was spending the night at the tower because it was getting late. May nodded and bid us farewell as we got into the car. I stepped into the driver's seat and started the car. We waved goodbye as we pulled out of the driveway. A successful night it was.

  We pulled into the garage of the tower and headed into the lobby. Peter pressed the up arrow for the elevator and we stepped in. Peter and I were pretty quiet the whole way home, not awkward, just relieved that it went well. We were going to the top floor so we had a bit of time before we got there. As if he read my mind, he grabbed my waist in pulled me into a kiss.

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