Back at Stark Tower

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Tony POV

  So she was really gone. Peter hasn't been the same, and she's only been gone the night. He stayed here, didn't go back home to May. He's sat on her bed for most of the night. Nobody's been able to sleep, we're all kind of worried about her. Natasha has been going kind of insane, so has Pietro. If she isn't back by the morning, I'll go pay her a visit.
  It's 10:00am now and there's no sign of her. The other Avengers were all busy doing whatever they do right now, so I guess it was a good time to head to her house. I had one foot in the elevator when Peter poked his head out from around the corner. So close.
  "Where ya going Mr. Stark?"
  "Uh meeting. Business meeting."
  "I asked Karen and she said your schedule was free today, what's that you're holding?" It was the paper with get address on it. I stuffed it quickly in my pocket.
  "Nothing, uh, coffee order for Natasha. Getting her coffee after the meeting."
  "She's already had coffee this morning. " He shot a web at the paper that was sticking half out of my pocket. Shit.
  "Who's address is this?"
  "That's where the meeting's at."
  "It's El's address isn't it?"
  "No! I told you she'd be back on her own."
  "Okay, don't mind if I just take this paper and go there on my own then." He started walking away with the paper.
  "Peter! I don't know where I'm going!"
  "Follow me then!" This kid was a handful.
  I ran out of the tower and he was already swinging across buildings. Goddammit kid! I called my suit over and flew to catch up with him.
  "Kid! Slow down and give me the damn paper!"
  "You should think for a genius he'd use his phone wouldn't you Karen...."
  "I need the paper Peter!" He wasn't stopping.
  "Friday, scan the paper that was just put in Karen's system."
  "Of course sir."
  "It's on your screen now sir."
  "Good." There it was, the location I needed.
  "See ya there kid." And I sped past him. To Elena's we go.
  I got to Elena's house, still as sad as it was before. Something wasn't right though. I stood for a moment, scanning the house when Peter landed next to me.
  "Why's the door open?"
  "What? Oh shit." There were crowbar marks or something on the door, the handle was half off.

  Peter ran into the house and started rummaging through every room. What he was looking for, not too sure. I walked in to look for any other signs of forced entry or something, a clue. There was some shattered glass from her window, some blood too. Peter burst into her room.
  "She's not here!"
  "Yeah no kidding. Friday, call Banner." I needed this blood to be tested.
  "Calling Bruce Banner sir."
  "Bruce? I'm going to send you an address, I need you to come with some blood testing stuff okay?"
  "Why? What happened?"
  "Elena isn't at her house, I think she might've been kidnapped or something. Found some glass and blood, get down here. Friday, send Banner the file I had you scan from Karen earlier."
  "I'll be down there in a bit," Banner said.
  "Sent, sir."
  "Perfect, end call."
  "Call ended."
  Peter was starting to panic. I had no idea what happened to her. Banner had the blood tested and it was nobody we knew of. I called the other Avengers asking if they knew a Micheal Allenn. Nobody did. Peter and I couldn't think of any enemies we had that would want to take her. It wasn't Hydra, so who the hell was it?

  We were about to go home when I remembered one key detail. Her cellphone. After she smashed the one I gave her, I got her a new one, already set up. It had a tracker. If she still had it on her, we'd be able to track where she was, or is at best. I flew back to the tower and Peter met me there after staying at her place for a little while longer. I headed to my laptop and opened the tracking program. I had everyone's tracking codes so I typed hers in- EJAEA16. It stood for "Elena Johnson, Agent Ember, age 16. Every year I updated them, they were all along those lines. Peter's was PPSMA16, Peter Parker, Spider Man, age 16.

  Her phone's location came up somewhere about 35 miles from here. Avengers assemble, it's time for a road trip.

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