Aunt May and Ned

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  I jumped out my window, and you might be thinking, Elena are you insane? Yes, yes I am, however, I like that insanity. Now the windows have ledges and they weren't that far apart. I've done this before so I just climbed down the side of the tower. Peter met me on the ground. We called a taxi and hopped in, to May's house.

  I didn't know what she would think of me, and lately I've been worrying alot about what others think of me. I'm trying to change my image so I fit in but.... it's hard. I guarantee May has seen me on TV, it's on just about every channel. I shouldn't be nervous, that's not how I roll. I needed to show May that I was a good person and she should not have to worry about her nephew when he hangs out with me.

  We pulled up to her house and I was suddenly confident. If she didn't like me, that was fine. I would probably never see her ever again, and Peter hopefully would defend me. We walked up to the porch and that confidence began to drop. It would be fine. He opened the door and walked in.
  "May! I'm home!" He called. A woman came around the corner.
  "Peter! Oh, who's this?"
  "Elena from the internship, I told you about her remember?"
  "Oh right, you look familiar Elena, have we met before?"
  "Not that I can recall miss. Nice to meet you though."
  "Yeah-nice to meet you too. Peter, Ned's in your room."
  "Okay, thanks May."

  We opened the door to Peter's room and there sat Ned I guess. Peter's room was cute, nerdy and dorky, just like him.
  "Hey Peter! Woah-who's that?"
  "I'm Elena. Ned right?" I answered.
  "Yeah, where'd you meet her?" He asked.
  "Uh, Tony Stark recruited her a few weeks ago. For the team." Peter replied.
  "Have I seen you somewhere?"
  "I don't know." I said sharply.
  "Oh yeah I have!" Ned exclaimed, Peter started shaking his head, I could see out of the corner of my eye. "You're the girl who beat up the paparazzi at the hospital!"
  "Ned shut up!" Peter whisper-yelled.
  "Sorry," Ned whispered, "was that you though?"
  "Mhm," I really didn't care for this conversation.
  "Your moves were so sick! Where'd you learn to fight?"
  "Taught myself."
  "Are you and Peter dating?" This kid asked too many questions.
  "Ned!" Peter was getting flustered.
  "Nope, he's all yours," I said without care. Maybe I should've stayed at the tower. Peter was blushing profusely, it was hilarious.

  Ned was actually pretty funny, he made fun of Peter alot. It was kinda cute how good of friends they were. We were taking about their school while playing with Lego when I wished I stayed at the tower. May busted in to the room nearly screaming.
  "Get away from Peter!" She was pointing at me.
  "May what's wrong?" Peter asked.
  "She-her-she's a criminal Peter! She beat people up! It was on TV! Get out of my house!"
  "MAY!" Peter yelled at the top of his lungs as I started getting up. "Elena sit down!" So I did.
  "Yeah, she did all that but then Mr. Stark recruited her for the internship! She's not like that anymore!"
  "I don't want you near Peter anymore." She looked at me with cold eyes.
  "No can do ma'am, we're partners at the internship and are forced to work together, whether you like it or not." I snapped back at her, my eyes were just as cold as hers.
  "Excuse me?"
  "You heard me. You can't really control Peter and if you think I'm leaving the internship, you're kidding yourself."
  "Peter, I think we need to talk."
  "No, you really don't. Peter we need to." I grabbed his arm and walked right out the door, nudging May slightly on the way out.

  I pulled Peter outside of the house.
  "What the hell was that?"
  "I-I don't know Elena! I thought-she's usually chill!"
  "I'm leaving, see you if she ever lets you come back."
  "No don't go!"
  "Why shouldn't I? She doesn't want me here."
  "I do!"
  "I'll see you when you come back."
  "I'll come with you, don't go alone at least."
  "What about Ned? Your aunt wouldn't like you coming with me."
  "Ned knows how to get home and he can stay over, I don't care! Aunt May just needs to grasp the fact that you're a great person."
  "Peter, just stay here."
  "No, El come on."
  "Go inside, I'll walk to the tower."
  "It's dark."
  "It's dangerous."
  "You're kidding right?" Was he serious?
  "Yeah, it's not safe for you to walk. Stay here or I'm coming."
  "I grew up in sketchtown and your worried about me walking in a safe subdivision to get to the tower?"
  "Don't be, I've outran angry grown men with guns and stuff. You should be worried about your aunt. Bye Peter." I turned around and walked down the street, not looking back.

  The street lights illuminated the street and I wasn't even worried. It was only a half an hour or so walk. I turned the corner and I could see the tower, see Peter? Nothing to worry about. I walked in the tower and showed my ID. The elevator dinged and I stepped in, pressing the button for the top floor. The doors opened and I kinda wanted them to close again, everyone stood around the elevator door, looking at me.
  "Hey... guys."
  "Where were you?" Natasha asked.
  "Uh, why?"
  "I went in to apologize and your window's open and you're nowhere to be found. Where the hell were you?" Tony was angry, but I didn't care, so was I.
  "Although it's none of your business, I was at Peter's house. And I don't need you to lecture me I've already had a bad enough night. You don't need to babysit me."
  "You were at Peter's?" Natasha asked.
  "yeah, uh, I'm going to go. Night." I walked into my room and closed the door behind me.

  I never cried, but today? Today was different. I wasn't accepted by the person most important to Peter. He'd obviously choose May over me, I hoped he would. I don't want him to give up his life for this stupid job. I fell to the ground in the corner and just cried. Not sobbing, just crying. I needed to let the stress out. I hated my life right now, I needed May to like me. She kicked me out of her house. I mean I probably would too. Peter was all she had left, but part of me wanted to hate her, so much. My eyes were foggy with tears and I just put my head in my hands. I guess I didn't lock the door when it gently creaked open.

  Tony Stark. A man I hated with a passion, but also admired. He was a genius and you could talk to him. On the other hand, he talked crazy shit about me and made me feel just like May did. There he stood, in my doorway, looking at me with sad eyes. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up.
  "What is it Tony?"
  "You're crying. What happened at Peter's?"
  "It was great, Ned was really nice and May seemed to like me."
  "That's bullshit so how about you tell me the truth?"
  "Why should I? So you can tell all the Avengers behind my back?"
  "Elena I'm sorry, I didn't mean it I just didn't like seeing you and Peter together."
  "I know, May didn't either."
  "What happened?"
  "She was fine at first, we were hanging out with Ned and she burst in the room screaming telling me to get away from Peter and I'm criminal and blah blah blah. Long story short she kicked me out and Peter and I kinda had a fight."
  "Oh my-Elena I'm sorry."
  "No, I really am. That's horrible. Wanna talk about you and Peter?"
  "I walked outside and he followed me, insisting I stayed but I wanted him and May to still be okay. I told him no and to go back inside but then he kept saying he'll come back here and stay here but I told him to stay. He kept telling me it was too dangerous at night and I got mad that he thought I couldn't handle myself so I just said bye and walked away." I didn't even realize it but I started crying again while ranting about that.
  "Kid, he'll be fine, you guys will be fine. He'll come back for you."
  "I'm not wanted by anyone, Tony I'm going home tomorrow."
  "Peter doesn't like my anymore, he was the only reason I stayed. This isn't my life style!"
  "I made my decision. Thanks for trying to make me better. It was nice."
  "Don't go El." I looked over to the window and there he was in his old Spiderman onesie.
  "Told ya," Tony whispered and walked out.

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