A Whole Lot of Love

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*strong language warning*
*mild graphic content*

Peter POV

I felt nauseous. Seeing her like this, vulnerable, hurt me. The last memories she might have of me are me being a piece of shit. Her pale, emotionless, face made me cry. She was always so tough, but she had to be toughest right now. She survived surgery and was in a private room. Mr. Stark told me I was allowed to go in and see her. I needed to, if not for her then for me. I needed to hold her hand one last time.

The door clicked when I pulled it closed behind me. I pulled the blinds shut and sat in the chair next to her bed. It was silent except for the beeping of the machines keeping her alive. Her fragile pale arms had tubes and needles sticking out of them. I used all of my power not to burst out in tears.

"Fuck Elena. How could I let this happen to you? I was childish to even think about Eleanor like that and now look where that's landed us. I should've been there. I should've been the one to take that bullet. You've done nothing to deserve the hell that life has put you through.''

She was in a coma but maybe, just maybe, she could hear me. I needed her to hear everything I needed to tell her. I loved her so much and I needed her to know. I reached out and touched her hand which felt like ice. She didn't move a muscle. I sighed and decided that nothing was going to change with me being here. I got up and opened the blinds then walked out, taking one last look at her before gently closing the heavy door behind me.

Natasha put her arm around my shoulders and didn't say anything, sometimes silence was best. Mr. Stark looked like he was trying not to cry, I gave up on that. He looked down at me and sighed. It was time to play the waiting game.

Two weeks later.
Peter POV.

She was still asleep the last time I checked. Her vitals were getting better but the doctors didn't know when or if she was going to wake up. Mr. Stark ran into my room while I was doing homework and freaked out.

"Kid, she's up!"

"Holy shit!" We ran down to the hospital room and the doctors moved out of the way for us.

Though barely awake, her eyes were open and she was propped up in the bed. When she saw Tony and I, a smile crept over her face.

"Hey guys," she said with a hoarse voice.

"Oh my god, you're okay," Mr. Stark hugged her.

"Can't get rid of me that easily," she joked. She probably didn't want to talk to me, so I stayed near the door. I just needed to see her awake.

I started to turn to walk out the door while they were talking when she called my name.

"Pete?" I turned back around.

"Hey El, glad to see you're okay."

"Me too, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" She looked at Tony and he got up and left, winking at me on the way out.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I got shot. Anyway, I heard everything. Two weeks ago? Thanks for being so concerned."

"Of course," my eyes wandered around the room.

"Peter?" I focused back on her once more


"I love you too."
She was discharged from the hospital a week later and Natasha brought her up. She felt the same way, and we were back together. Oliver stopped by with some flowers for her, and as it turns out, he's gay. I was a bit worried that he would be some tough competition. We made plans to go see a game in two weeks, so that was cool. Elena was walking and she acted like she was never shot, it was crazy how fast she bounced back.

She wanted to get back in to missions right away, but it was too soon. Nobody would let her do more than training. At 17 years old, you would think you would have some self preservation instinct. Not Elena. She doesn't care if she gets hurt. It's scary to watch her because you know it won't end well. She throws herself into things like it won't matter what happens, but if I lost her, I'd go insane.

We were on our way to May's house. I've been staying at the tower lately but I decided it was time. She was driving and humming along to one of her favorite songs, Sweetener, by Ariana Grande. Ariana Grande was her idol, she listened to her all the time. I was thinking of bringing her to one of her concerts for an anniversary or something. Just being next to her made me giddy, I couldn't stop smiling.

She parked in May's driveway and as soon as we got out of the car, May ran through the door.

"Elena! It's so nice to see you!"

"And to you May. How are you?"

"I'm good. Here, come on inside."

Peter and I walked in and sat down in the living room. May knew I worked for the Avengers now, Peter said that I "got a promotion" and that's what I did now.

"So, how's work?"

"Oh it's pretty good," I smiled.

"Anything interesting happen?"

"Well I've been off for the past three weeks, probably will be longer though."

"Really? Why? Did something happen?"

"Uh, well three weeks ago I was heading to a mission when there was a shootout on a highway in Louisiana. I took down all five shooters but at the last minute, uh, one got me.''

"Jesus! I heard about that shooting, I didn't know it was you who got shot!"

"Yeah. I was out for two weeks but I was discharged two days ago. Tony doesn't plan on letting me back into the field anytime soon though."

"Oh my goodness honey. That's horrible. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Thank you. So, how have things been? I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Same old, you know. So, when did you and Peter get back together?"

"May!" Peter exclaimed.

"I'm curious! I remember you two had a fight and things ended a bit messily. I wanna know!"

"Oh my god," Peter fell back into his chair.

"It's fine, we got back together when I woke up last week. When I was in a coma, he confessed his love to me," I made googly eyes at Peter and leaned over on to him jokingly.

"Did you two want to visit just to embarrass me?"

"Of course!" We both said at the same time.

"Knew it," we all laughed and talked until the evening concluded and I drove back to the tower, Peter staying at May's.

Check out my newest story, "Romanova," which is out now! It focuses on Natasha's life and her family and whatnot. If you're interested and like Natasha Romanoff, go check it out!

Thanks a million for all your support!❤️

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