Two Days Apart

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  I left for my mission today. I had everything packed and was driving out today. The only really exciting thing was, I was going alone. Everyone else was busy, even Tony. It took me forever to convince Tony to let me go alone, but he finally decided to let me go. It wasn't a huge mission, I was just heading to the criminal's house and um... taking him out I guess.

  I got my bag and headed out to the car I was taking. It was only a two hour drive. Peter was flying out to Florida, it was three hours long. I was allowed to call and text whoever so I wouldn't be lonely or anything. Two days away from the drama and chaos of this tower, alone. I was really excited too, they could trust me to do it alone. I stepped into the car and as off before I even had the door closed.

  The drive went by quickly. It was late and I was spending tonight in a hotel, tomorrow I'd complete the mission and then head home. Two days and I'd get home. Nice and easy. I checked into the hotel and got myself settled. It was 11:30 and I was hella tired. I rolled into the bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
  I was up really early, 4:30am, to get ready for the day. I got my suit on but I put normal clothes over it to blend into the crowd. I checked out at 6:00 and was off. I threw my bag into the trunk of the car and typed in the GPS coordinates to the place. It was only an hour drive from here, no biggie. I was there as soon as I left and hopped out of my car in the parking lot a block over. I stocked my belt with guns and ammo and began the quick walk over to the apartment complex.

  I got into position on top of the building across the street. I set up my sniper rifle and set my target. I could see him walking around in his apartment, I just needed him to stay by the window. I threw a rock really hard and it hit the window. Within ten seconds he was at the ledge, investigating where the noise came from. I had my finger on the trigger and when he opened the window, I pulled it.

  He dropped to the ground and the colour red filled the floor and window. Time to go. I jumped down on to a shorter building and then jumped off that to the ground. My ankles kind of hurt but I sprinted to my car. Thank god I parked close to the exit. I flung my trunk open and threw the belt in, slamming it right after. The doors were already unlocked so I jumped in and jammed the key into the ignition, speeding off down the road.

  This car was only being used for this mission, that's usually the case. Tony buys a beater car and uses it once, so I didn't have to worry too much about the plates being recorded. I sped down the streets, dodging cars and people, man it was like GTA came to life. I felt so alive and damn, I lived for it. Adrenaline coursed through my veins giving me the feeling that I could do anything. I took a sharp corner and was out of the city, smooth sailing from here.

  I made it back to New York in around four hours, the traffic was absolutely insane, and I stopped for food. I pulled into the beater car garage of Stark Tower, and handed the keys to the associate who was working. The elevator was on the other end of the garage so I made my my over there and told Friday I wanted to go to the top floor. The Avengers were expecting me back about two hours ago, I hope they weren't too worried.

  "We have reached the Avengers' floor Miss Johnson."

  "Thanks Friday."

  I got out of the elevator when the doors opened and walked into the living room that was oddly bright. They must've had every set of curtains open. Natasha was back from her single day mission from yesterday and was sitting on the couch with Tony who went with her. Clint and Pietro were also sitting in there. Natasha sprung up from her chair and gave me a hug.

  "So? How'd it go?"

  "Certainly made it out unharmed this time," I joked.

  "Did you take care of him?"

  "I did, he made it easy for me. Opened the window himself."

  "Nice. Peter comes home today too. He should be back around four, his flight leaves at one."

  "Cool, how'd your mission go?"

  "It was good, easy. Only took me a few hours to get there and set up and a few to get back."

  "Oh that's good, hey Tony."

  "Hey kid, everything went to plan for once?"

  "Surprisingly yes."

  "That's a first."

  "I thought so too."

  "The car downstairs?"

  "In the beater car section of the garage."

  "Perfect, thanks."

  "No problem."

  I went to my room to unpack my clothes and then I returned the guns to the armory. I brought more than I needed just incase I changed my mind or something went south. Once I checked all the guns and ammo back in I headed back upstairs and to my room. I was really tired even though I didn't do much. I layed down for a bit and slept really well for once.

  When I woke up everyone was talking and sounded worried, they were also being really loud, like so loud I could hear it from my room that's down the hall. I got up and freshened up and walked down the hall. I turned the corner and my gaze fell upon something that I'll never forget.

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