Black and Light Pink

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  Tonight was the night that Peter had scheduled for us to go to May's again. I was shaking with nerves. I couldn't go through that again, it ruined Peter and I and eventually got me kidnapped. I couldn't even think about putting Peter through that another time, he was so distressed when I was walking away.

  It was 4:30, Peter made dinner arrangements so we were leaving in 15 minutes. He was going to pick me up and bring me back there. I was told to dress up a little bit so I chose a short and flowy black dress. It was nice but not too nice that I would be overdressed.

 It was nice but not too nice that I would be overdressed

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(Kinda like that)

  I put on a little makeup and walked out of my room and into the living room to wait for Peter. Everyone was sitting in there and looked at me when I walked out.
  "Elena you look beautiful," Natasha smiled.
  "You really do!" Wanda added with a grin.
  "Who knew you could clean up so well?" Tony snickered.
  "I didn't," we all laughed.
  "You'll be great Elena," Steve said.
  "I hope so," I responded.
  "Don't worry, you look good and she knows what's up now," Pietro said.
  "Thanks everyone." When I said that everyone turned to look slightly behind me.

  "El you look great," Peter said from behind me. I turned around to face him and holy moly did he look good. He had a light pink dress shirt and a suit jacket and pants. It matched what I was wearing perfectly. It was the same colour as my lipstick and eye makeup. I smiled and linked my arm around his.
  "Shall we go?" I asked with confidence.
  "We shall," we both giggled and stepped into the elevator.

  "We look like a couple P," I sighed.
  "Is that a problem?"
  "Well, no, I just don't want May to get the wrong idea I guess.... she already doesn't like me and I just don't want to make it worse and-"
  "Ellie, you'll do great. You did last time, it wasn't your fault." He interrupted.
  "I just hope it'll go well this time."
  "It will."
  I smiled up at him. He was so sweet, so kind. He squeezed my hand and laughed at the reaction I gave. I really liked him, I really did, but he shouldn't have to worry about that. Plus, I've never been in a relationship before and hell! I barely knew Peter! It's only been a few months. I shook those thoughts from my brain and went back to present time.
  "I guess we kinda do look like a couple Ellie," Peter giggled.
  "I told you!" I exclaimed.
  "Well how was I supposed to know you were wearing pink and black?"
  "You never wear pink Peter!" We both laughed again.
  "Wanted to change it up a bit."
  "I can tell," I smirked.
  "I swear I didn't know!" He defended himself.
  "Okay," I said with emphasis.
  "You've called me Ellie 3 times tonight, what are you trying to hide?"
  "Nothing, I just thought we'd have a little fun before we're at the table."
  "I'm on to you P," I nudged him.
  "You say that every time," he laughed.

  The elevator dinged as we landed on the lobby floor and stepped out. No driver.
  "Can I drive Peter?"
  "Do you even have your license?"
  "Yeah, in my wallet," I showed him.
  "Are you any good?"
  "I haven't crashed yet so I would say so, yeah."
  "Then let's go," he smiled from ear to ear.

  I haven't driven in a while, but I wasn't too rusty. I made it to May's house with Peter's directions without getting lost. He didn't even seem too nervous in the passenger seat. That gave me more confidence to see that he wasn't too scared. We arrived at May's and stepped out of the car. He walked over to my side and walked me up the front stairs. This was it.

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