A Couple's First Mission

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  "PETER!" I screamed as I jumped to knock him out of the way. We flew across the street and the bomb exploded. Another one landed a few feet infront of us. My leg stung as I sat up but I needed to get us out of here. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and we ran down the street together. We couldn't do this on our own, at least with no weapons or anything. I pulled out my phone as we were running and called Tony.
  "Hey kid what's up?'
  "Tony, Peter and I are being attacked. We don't know by who but we need help! Track my phone and get over here!"
  "What? Are you guys okay?"
  "For now, hurry!" I hung up the phone and kept running, Peter right behind me.

  Way back when I had my testing done with Nat, I learned I was fast. I was fast and I had stamina and I could fight pretty well. As long as I could run forever, I'd be okay. Well, Avengers don't hide from danger, they look at it square in the face. Peter and I ducked behind a building once we thought we were safe. It didn't seem that there was anyone following us, we just ran. I was pretty tired now, we ran pretty damn far. I looked at Peter and he looked scared. I've never seen him look genuinely scared but this time was different. He had a look to his eyes that screamed fear, it was probably because we didn't have anything to protect us.

  We stayed hidden for another few minutes before I got up to see if it was safe, and sure enough, it wasn't. The second I stepped out from around the corner, I flew to the ground. As I stood up I saw Peter fly out and tackle the man. My heart fluttered, he protected me. I got back up and punched the man coming for Peter, we had eachother's backs. He was fighting one guy while I was fighting the other. The man I was fighting was tall, scary. He had mean black eyes and greasy black hair. His body was inked with tattoos and his clothes were torn from what I assume was the bombs or me.

  He swung at my head but I dodged it and grabbed his arm. I threw him over my head and smashing into the ground, he was tall, but not too muscular. I could take him. Peter's friend kicked me in the back of the leg so I fell down giving my guy plenty of time to punch me, which he did. I felt the bruise that would be there tomorrow already starting to form. I kicked him in the stomach and jumped back on to my feet. I gave him a few punched before knocking him out cold. Peter just finished his guy right before I did so the second he hit the ground, we booked it out of there.

  We ran the long way back to the tower, Tony ended up not coming for us, asshole. Peter and I held hands the whole way back. I was scared in the beginning, but we ended up handling it pretty well for being 16 year olds. I didn't cry or anything, just my heart was beating like crazy. We were both fine, just took a hit or two, but we could take it. We kept running until we could see the bright lights of the tower. We finally slowed to walk the rest of the way there. My dress was completely in shreds, burnt at the bottom from the bombs. I lost both of the shoes a while back when I knocked Peter out of the way. I looked rough.

  We walked inside the tower and were greeted by FRIDAY who let us into the elevator. We went up to the second highest floor and got out, hands still linked. We walked up the one flight of stairs and opened the door to a living room full of scared Avengers.

  "Oh my god! Are you guys okay? What the hell happened?!"
  I groaned and glanced at Peter. He kinda smirked at me so I guess that was my cue to talk.
  "We were going to walk back but as we were.... standing there, a bomb landed behind Peter so I pushed him out of the way and uh since then.... we ran I guess."
  "I tried tracking your phone but it was off or something, wasn't working. Clint's out looking for you right now."
  "Thanks guys, we handled the two men ourselves though," Peter said as he squeezed my hand.
  "You did what?'' Steve asked.
  "We took down the men trying to kill us," I said slowly.
  "Barehanded?" Natasha asked.
  "Yeah, we each took one." Peter said.
  "No suits or weapons," Tony asked, dumbfounded.
  "Damn kids," Tony sighed.

Hey! Thanks so much for reading this far! Hope you're enjoying it! This chapter is dedicated to mywhoIeotherworld thank you a million times for being the best!

Lots of love 🧡🧡🧡

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