Stomped on a Million Times and Burned

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  Peter was on his knees on the ground, bloody and broken. A tiny scream left my lips and I slid over to him. I grabbed his hand and he turned his head very slowly to look at me. He sported two black eyes, multiple gashes to the face and bruises that covered everything. His body was a mixture of purple and red and I couldn't tell what was cut open and what was just blood that dripped down from somewhere else.

  "oh my god Peter, what happened?"

  "nothing Ellie, I'll be okay."

  "Oh Peter," I pulled him into a gentle hug that didn't seem to hurt him too bad. "I'm bringing him to the hospital."

  "He can't walk Elena, someone has to carry him."

  "So be it then," I picked Peter up and carried him to the elevator while their jaws hit the ground.

  "Huh, I'll be damned," Pietro muttered.

  "Don't come down, I'll text you guys."

  "Mhm, you got it," Bruce said, stunned.

  "Holy shit El," Peter gasped.

  "Shhh, let's go."

  I carried him into the elevator and into the hospital where they immediately got him a room so I didn't have to hold him much longer. I layed him gently on the bed and the adrenaline was finally starting off, revealing that maybe I shouldn't carry Peter. My arms hurt but it was nothing near the pain Peter was in. It felt like someone took my heart out and stomped on it a million times and then burned it. My heart hurt so much it was nauseating. My Peter was just like how I looked when I got back. Did he feel like this?

  He was going into surgery right now, I was sitting in the waiting room. Tony came down to sit with me so I didn't freak out or anything. My entire body was shaking and worry flooded my mind. What even happened to him? I never found out what happened from anyone before I ran him down here.

  "Hey Tony?"

  "Yeah kid, what's up?"

  "What happened to Peter?"

  "His mission didn't go as planned, a SHIELD agent got him just before you came back."

  "And you didn't tell me?"

  "I didn't want you to worry."

  "I'm freaking out now Tony!"

  "Now you know how he felt Elena. He didn't want you to go to New Jersey by yourself you know."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, he feels like how you're feeling right now every time you leave."

  "Well he doesn't need to anymore Tony."

  "Then why are you?"

  "Because I lo-"

  "I know you do."

  "Wait! No, I don't. Tony he's still my best friend, obviously I'm going to worry about him."

  "But not yourself?"

  "No, not myself."

  "Why? Elena we all care about you. You're important to all of us."

  "I can't forget my roots Tony. I'm still a criminal."

  "Not anymore you aren't Elena. You're an Avenger now."

  "I know you've faced so much backlash by letting me on the team. Why don't you ever have the news on? Why do you always hang up calls when I walk in? I'm creating more work for you guys!"

  "Yeah, people weren't exactly too happy about you being on the team, but that was so long ago."

  "It was like half a year ago Tony, people don't change that quickly. We aren't even supposed to be taking about this right now. Peter's in surgery right now."

  "Right, I forgot that's why we were down here."

  "Are you kidding me?"

  "Yes, I am."

  "I just hope I can see him soon."

  My wish came true and about half an hour later, a nurse told us that one person could come in. I didn't even give Tony an option, I was seeing him. He looked better now that he was all cleaned up and he was awake too.

  "Hey P, how you doing?"

  "I'm okay, pain's better."

  "That's good, do you want to see Tony? I kinda rushed in here before he had a chance to."

  "I'll see him in a bit, how'd your mission go?"

  "Good, for once. What happened Peter?"

  "I don't remember anything except getting attacked from behind by a group of guys. I don't remember what they look like or anything else."

  "That's okay. God Peter, I was so worried about you."

  "That's how I feel every time you get hurt."

  "That's almost exactly what Tony said."

  "It's true, I'll never stop worrying about you El."

  "Thanks Peter. You're the best, you know that?"

  "Thanks Elena."

  "I'm going to let Tony see you now okay?"

  "Alright, I'll talk to you later."

  "Bye P."

  I walked out of the room feeling a million times better. Thank God he was okay. I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't. The whole reason I ended things was so I wouldn't worry and neither would he, but I think that made us worry more. All I knew was that I was glad he was okay. I told Tony he could go in and he patted me on the back. He was still rooting for us, but it wasn't happening.

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