Family Road Trip

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Tony POV continued...

"Friday, get everyone to the living room, it's urgent."
"Of course sir."

When I walked out into the living room, everyone was already sitting there. No complaining, just silence.
"I found Elena's last known location, about 35 miles from here."
"How'd you do that?" Steve asked.
"This thing called technology, it's modern."
"What are we waiting for?" Natasha asked.
"Backup?" Clint asked.
"Yup. Not risking it and only certain people are getting out of the car."
"You gonna tell us?" Pietro asked.
"Yes, these are your positions, don't complain okay? Clint, you'll be hidden outside the building, infront of it somewhere. Natasha, you and Bucky, who's on his way now, are going to guard windows and doors, bring out your inner assassin. Steve, you're getting us in the place. Pietro, once the door and guards are out of the way you'll look for her. Wanda, you're going with him incase he needs help. Everyone else, you'll be waiting for further instructions."
"Got it, let's move," Bucky said from behind me.
"Suit up." Steve said.
Narrator POV

Everyone was ready to go, suits on and weapons loaded. Who knows what they were getting themselves in to. They were taking 2 cars, one had Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Steve, Pietro and Wanda. The other had Tony, Bruce, Peter and Sam. Tony's car was leading the way, following the GPS to where her last known location was. They got there in just under half an hour. The plan was a go. They approached the long driveway and Clint got into place. He was staged up in a tree at the end of the driveway. Natasha and Bucky made their way in, staying hidden. Steve, Pietro and Wanda stood just outside the car, ready to go. They awaited Tony's signal, which he would give any moment now. He had Bruce help him hack into the security cameras to reprogram them. Tony could see everything that was going on and would give Pietro, Wanda and Steve instructions.
"Now," Tony signalled from the earpiece.
Pietro, Wanda and Steve ran to the main door and Steve took his shield, breaking the door down after a few hits. Pietro grabbed Wanda and sped off into the building, Steve stayed at the door. Natasha and Bucky got in position and were ready to shoot at a moment's notice.
Inside the building, Pietro and Wanda went in every room they could find, nothing. There were no guards or people in general. The place seemed abandoned. Tony was giving them instructions on what rooms to go into and what to look out for.
"Hey Stark?" Pietro asked.
"What's up?" Tony responded.
"This place is abandoned, it looks like there hasn't been people here in years." Pietro said.
"Go to the end of the hallway and go downstairs, might be something down there." Tony instructed.
Pietro went down the stairs, just as Tony told him too. There were a bunch more rooms and he could hear something, but didn't know what.
"Stark," Pietro whispered.
"I hear it too, get Wanda in there."
"Already going," Wanda commented.
"I'm getting the security camera for that room don't go in yet Wanda," Tony commanded.
"I'm outside the door," she barely whispered.
"Okay, inside you'll see a bunch of jail looking cells, it's too dark for me to see anything else. Steve, get down there."
"Got it," Steve chimed in.
Steve and Wanda were staged outside the room, waiting for Tony's signal. He was trying to see anything, but it was too dark to see any more than the cells.
"Alright, be careful. Go now."

The two of them charged into the room, Steve first. Pietro was waiting outside in case they needed to get a quick escape. Wanda lit up the room and they ran down the long row of cells. The hallway went on for quite a while. Everything seemed to be going to plan when Wanda called for Steve behind him.

She had a gun held to her head by a tall, mean-looking man. He said nothing when Steve turned around to see what was going on.
"Don't say anything, I'm coming in, Bruce is taking over the mic. Stay calm." Tony said.

They listened to him and said nothing. He would be there any minute, it wasn't that hard to get there. Wanda just stared at Steve with blank eyes, any movement could mean getting her shot.

Tony POV

Wanda had a gun to her head and I really didn't feel like risking anything, especially when we had a bunch of people waiting for instructions. I called Natasha to come in with me in case things got a little crazy. I got my suit on and flew to the building. I went down the stairs and could see just the outline of them. Natasha stood just behind me with her shotgun. We creeped a little closer so Steve could see us, I nodded at him without breaking eye contact. He didn't move, just blinked twice really fast.

"What the hell are you two doing down here?" The man asked. Steve and Wanda said nothing.
"I asked you a question! Who are you?"
"Rogers, Steve Rogers." Steve said.
"Who's the kid?"
"I am Wanda Maximoff."
"Who you workin' for?"
"Me." I said, causing the man to turn around, Natasha didn't move, she was behind me so he couldn't see her yet.
"Iron man huh?"
"Damn straight. Let my girl go and I won't have to blow your brains out."
"That won't be necessary Stark." He cocked the gun and pointed it again at Wanda's head.
"That's not even remotely what I asked you to do."
"Why's your crew even here Stark? Not doin' anything wrong."
"You've got one of mine somewhere in this place, give her up."
"Nah, she's fine here." I turned to the side and another man stood there."
"God there's more of you?" Steve asked.
"I can get everyone if you don't get the hell outta here." The smaller man said.
"Come on, just give us our girl and we'll be on our way." I said.
"She's fine, don't worry about little Elena."
"Good, we're taking about the same person, we just need her back."
"Why's that? She's useless to you, just a kid. Can't do much other than be a dirty criminal." The man said.
"She's our friend and we need her back, please Mr. Bad guy?" I responded.
"I'd rather keep her locked up down here."
"She's down here somewhere! Go!" Wanda yelled. I could hear Natasha cock her gun behind me.
"Not so fast." A third man showed up from behind Steve.
"I didn't want to have to do anything to you guys, ya seem nice." I said before blasting the man holding Wanda. She flew to the ground and jumped back up to her feet, the fight was going to be a good one.

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