Into The Base- Part 2

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  Peter and I locked those men in that room as well, blocking the door so they couldn't pick the lock to get out either. Tony hadn't said anything yet but I assumed he saw everything there was to see. He said he wouldn't interfere but I bet he wanted to so badly.

  We made our way downstairs after checking every other room on this floor, nothing. I'm pretty sure we were on the top floor, we came in through the roof so it was safe to assume. We quietly but quickly snuck down the stairs and scanned each room before moving on to the next. I don't even understand what they need this many rooms for, there's like 100 on each floor. What are they using them for? You know what, I don't really want an answer to that.

  Peter was leading the way down the stairs. From what I remember of this place, there were only one set of stairs, so I assume this was where the cells were. My legs started shaking and threatening to give out. I took a deep breath and went down the dimly lit stairwell. We reached the bottom and walked straight into the darkness. There was a suspicious dripping noise but other than that it was silent. There was only a few creaking lamps hanging over head and that was the only source of light.

  Every cell was empty, where were the people? Nearing the end of the hallway, the cells turned into rooms. All the rooms had closed doors, but I couldn't see any light coming from the cracks around the door. I picked every lock and opened every door while Peter scanned every room. Nobody. It seemed they all liked to hide as a group in one room. We were reaching the end of the hallway without any more people, there had to be more, right?

  The last room was unlocked and open just enough to see that there was a light on. We couldn't hear any talking but we were going to investigate anyway. Peter opened the door and that might've been the slightest mistake. Ten or so men surrounded the Peter, all holding guns to his head. He seemed so calm for being in a situation like this. Shit. What were we going to do this time?

  "Who the hell are you two?"

  "Let's not get hasty, everyone calm down," Peter said, what was he thinking?

  "Is that Elena Johnson behind him?"

  "No?" I said.

  "Jim, grab her," the tallest man said.

  Who I assume was Jim began to approach me, son of a bitch. I didn't really know what to do. I couldn't run, they'd shoot both me and Peter. I couldn't fight back, they'd shoot us both too. I kinda just stood there, awkwardly shuffling back and forth. He grabbed my arm and I slammed my free one down on his. It sounded like it might've broken and he cursed, letting my arm go. Peter webbed the guns as they were distracted by the commotion I caused. Maybe this wouldn't go to hell as fast as I thought.

  The next few minutes went by in a blur, just punching and kicking these people's asses. I snapped out of it when a fist collided with the side of my face. I felt the blood stream down my face and the bruise already forming on my cheek. My mic was on and Tony was yelling in my ear, asking if we needed back up. I was okay, I'll walk it off. I was lightheaded but I kept fighting through it. I took a few hits to my arms and legs but that wasn't bad, I got hit there every day in training.

  "ELENA!" Peter yelled, what was wrong?

  I turned around and looked at Peter, but when I turned around I took another hit to the face. Son of a bitch! My nose burned yet stung at the same time. Was that even possible?


  "What?!" I screamed at him, I punched and kicked until I could see his face.


  The second that word left his mouth the loudest noise I had ever heard overpowered the noise from the fight and as soon as it started, it stopped. Silence filled the room as I flew backwards and straight into the wall. I slammed into it and fell to the ground, hitting my head off a chair on the way down. My vision was fuzzy and my it sounded like a million phones were ringing. I couldn't see Peter, my god where was he?

  "Peter?" I think I yelled but I couldn't hear myself to reassure myself. "Peter?"

  His head flew up from the pile of bodies scattered across the floor. It turns out there were way more than ten men, I guess they were hiding or something. I tried standing up but my leg hurt, like really hurt. I crawled over to Peter and I could start hearing things again, kinda. I could hear voices but nothing sounded like actual words. He grabbed me and helped me stand up but when he let go I collapsed again. I think it was my knee, but I really didn't know. Peter was saying something to me but I couldn't register anything. I looked up at him with a clueless look on my face as he was talking. I tried telling him I couldn't hear him but I don't know if any words came out of my mouth. I got up on to my knees but everything went black and pain filled the right side of my head.

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