Widow Strikes

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*language warning*

I left Natasha's room a few minutes later when I could finally pull myself out of the trance I was in. I wonder how Peter was holding up. I pray to God that things won't be awkward between us even though I know they totally will be. He was supposed to head back to May's tonight.... I hope he still was. If he was still going, he should've left 6 minutes ago. I grabbed my phone and texted Natasha.

hello darling Natasha


wow rude. is Peter still here?

you're in luck, just left like 5 minutes ago.

oh goody, I'll be right out then. thanks a million Natasha

Yeah yeah whatever.
I stepped out of my room and tip toed down the hallway until I reached the living room. You know, usually I can trust Natasha but man I shouldn't have this time. Peter stood at the door with his hand on the knob, just about to leave. Natasha looked at me and snickered. Son of a bitch. I slowly stepped backwards in hope of being unnoticed by anyone but the widow struck again.

"Hey Elena, come sit!" Natasha grinned. Remind me to slap her.

"hi." I shamefully walked out into the living room and sat on the same couch as Nat, just on the other end.

"You look like shit," Tony blurted out.

"I appreciate that," I said giving him a glare.

"God, you really do, what's wrong with your eyes?" Pietro chimed in. I gave him a look that made him regret saying that.

"Pie, shut up," Wanda said, elbowing him in the side.

"Uh, well May's expecting me. See you guys later. Bye El." Still using nicknames I see.

"Bye P." He smiled and closed the door behind him.
"You're a bitch Nat, you know that?

"Woah, he did leave but he came back in, forgot his charger."

"You are a biTCH."

"So what? You'll have to face eachother eventually."

"Still a bitch."

"I was doing you a favour!"

"Now he knows I was crying.... bitch."

"You were crying?" Tony said.

"Oh shut up Tony."

"No seriously, you were crying?"

"Of course I was crying you dumbass! I just went through a breakup!"

"I never cried after any breakups."

"You don't have emotions Tony."

"Why are you being so mean?" He gave me sad eyes. Corny sad eyes.

"I'm moving out," I decided that was the best thing to say right now.

"No you aren't," Nat said.

"Yeah, I don't wanna live here with Peter anymore."

"You aren't leaving, Friday?" Tony called out.

"Yes sir?"

"Don't let Elena leave the tower without one of us being with her."

"Who would you like to give permission to?"

"Uh... Me, Nat, Pietro. Not Bruce, she'll win him over too easily. Wanda? No, not Wanda. Steve and Clint."

"You, Miss Romanoff, Mr. Maximoff, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barton?"

"Yeah just the 5."

"Done sir."

"Now you aren't going anywhere," he smirked at me.

"You little fucker."

"Language kid, come on." Steve said.

"You better watch it grandpa or I'll put you back in the ice so you'll chill out a bit."

"I-I um..."

"You broke Steve!" Natasha yelled.

"Good." I turned on my heel and walked out the door.

I walked down the one flight of stairs to Tony's floor. I wasn't entirely supposed to be here but he didn't control me. I stepped in and looked around. Nothing to see here. I went down to the lab where Bruce was. When I walked in, the lab appeared to be empty.

"Bruce?" I called out.

"Elena?" A head poked out from around the corner.

"Hey, whatcha doing?"

"Not much, testing some chemicals and whatnot for Tony. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see what you were up to."

"You can come watch if you want."

"Yeah that would be cool."

Bruce showed me around the lab and what he was doing and it was pretty cool. We sat around for awhile, almost 3 hours before I got tired and decided to head upstairs. It was like 11:00 or something and I really needed to sleep. I layed down in my street clothes and just let my thoughts run wild. Whenever my head hit the pillow all my inner thoughts stirred and came out of hiding. Everything, the good and the bad. The scary and the sad. Anything I had in my head ran wild during the night. Sleep hadn't been coming easily to me lately.

It was only a matter of time before I became a zombie or something.

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