Movie Night

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 **Yo, this chapter contains some not so Steve approved language, proceed with that knowledge and don't say I didn't warn you**

I got myself changed for bed, it wasn't that hard. I mean, it could've been way worse. I'm fine on my own, I knew I would be. Yeah, I hurt like a bitch to move my arms and legs and just body overall, but not as bad as getting beat up.
  It's been a week since I've gone under surgery and everything is going fine. Only one more week until my left side is pretty much back to normal. Peter had checked in on me every half an hour, it's really nice of him. He's spent more nights at the tower than usual but he's called May more. She understands and apparently hopes I feel better. I shouldn't dislike her, but I do. She treated me like I was garbage, like I didn't have feelings. I understand, but that doesn't make it right.

  It was about 4:45pm and I was just bored. I couldn't do much with my casts on so I was kinda bored. I couldn't exactly use my phone because I needed exposed skin to use it and my fingers were occupied with bandages. I sat on my bed, just examining everything. One more week and my left hand would be free, just one more week.

  Just like God sent him, Peter opened my door after knocking a few times.
  "Hey, how ya feeling?"
  "The same as when you came in at 4:15."
  "That's good, right?"
  "It is indeed. How's May?"
  "She's alright, I told her I'm staying the night again, she doesn't care though. She's been working the night shift lately."
  "Oh that's cool."
  "Mhm, hey, wanna come out to the living room? We're all hanging out... might watch a movie or play a game."
  "Yeah sure," I smiled at him and he helped me up.
  We walked out into the living room and everyone smiled at us. Peter sat down next to Tony and I sat next to him. Everyone just chit chatted for a little while until Steve got up to get some snack, he suggested we watched a movie. Honestly, I didn't care what movie we watched, I was just glad to be back. Eventually, everyone decided on watching Ocean's 8... well, Nat, Wanda and I decided. I saw the previews and it seemed pretty good. Tony set up the movie and Peter and I moved to a separate couch. We sat down on the loveseat and Steve handed us a bowl of popcorn. Peter held it on his lap because as independent as I would love to be, holding things was tricky.

  We were about halfway through the movie when Peter got up to go to the washroom. He put the popcorn down and disappeared into the hallway. Right then, out of all the possible times, my body decided "hey, let's make Elena pass out and embarrass herself!" Yeah, that's basically what happened, and I know exactly why. About 15 minutes before Peter walked in, I took my medicine. When I got up to head to the living room, I smacked my broken hand off the dresser. It hurt like a bitch so I took another dose of medicine, whoops. So here I am now, passed out because I overdosed. I FUCKING OVERDOSED!

Narrator POV

  Everyone looked over in Elena's direction when Natasha sprang up from her chair. They all surrounded her trying to figure out what had happened. Nobody could recall anything they would have caused it, and nothing triggering happened in the movie. To them, she just plain and simple passed out. They were worried, she did just get out of the hospital last week. Peter returned from the bathroom and cried out. He pushed Clint and Pietro out of the way and grabbed her hand. Bruce had taken her pulse and she was fine, but her heart was beating a bit fast for a resting heart rate. Tony picked her up and brought her downstairs back into the hospital floor.

  They got her a room and layed her down on the bed. The put an IV in her arm and got her vitals in check. They took a blood test and that's when they finally got somewhere.
  "Her medicine levels are a bit high, if I'm correct, she just did a simple overdose on her pain medication."
  "She'll be okay though right?"
  "Of course, we'll wake her right now."

  They did something to her that only Bruce could understand and she woke up instantly after. She started freaking out, everything she was saying didn't make any sense to anyone, except Peter of course.

Elena POV

  I woke up and shot up in the bed I was laying in. Hospital, that's where I was. White room, white sheets, blue masks. I was back in the hospital, okay. I looked over at Peter and Tony and then all of a sudden, everything hit me.

  I just overdosed on drugs. Prescription drugs of course, but still drugs. I just.... I just became my parents, my brother. I screamed and started panicking. I was horrible, filthy and just not good enough to be an Avenger now. What the hell was I thinking? I tried ripping the IV out of my arm but Peter ran over and stopped me.
  "Woah woah woah, you're okay El, you're okay. It's me, Peter."
  "Peter *sob* I fucking overdosed I'm just as bad as my parents I'm just as bad as my brother *sob* I don't deserve to be with you guys *sob* I always told myself, no swore to myself that I wouldn't do that *scream* I'm a dirtbag just like them! I'm a worthless piece of shit! *Inaudible sobbing*"
  "Woah! Ellie you're none of those things! You're okay, it was an accident! Don't worry, you're okay. You're okay now."
  "Peter don't you get it?! I was the only one who didnt use drugs and the others are dead! I might as well be too! The 3 worthless shit headed Johnson kids! *Sobbing*"
  "Ellie! It was an accident! I didn't check if you had already taken them, it's my fault too! I'm so sorry, you're okay! I swear you're nothing like you family!"

  I said nothing else and just cried into his chest. My parents were hospitalized because they overdosed, Jaden's dead because he overdosed, my sister overdosed once a few years before she went clean and died and now me. I was supposed to be the good one, the one who didn't do stupid shit like that. I was fine now, it wasn't major and I needed to calm down.
  I kept repeating to myself, "I'm fine, I'm okay, I'm fine," until it became a reality.

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