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I got up at 8:30 this morning and went into my bathroom, which Tony got finished last night. I hopped in the shower and then decided on what I was going to wear today. I wanted to look nice but not too nice, it was just coffee. I put on my black Lululemon leggings and my tight white shirt and my jean jacket with sherpa on the inside. I wanted to put a bit of makeup on too. I put on a bit of orange eyeshadow, some concealer and some mascara.

I walked into the living room and sat down on my favourite chair, the fluffy white one, and pulled out my phone. A text from Oliver. He was wondering if I wanted to head out to McDonald's before coffee, I was hungry so I was totally down to go. I had nothing else to do either.

"Hey Tony?!" He peeked his head out from around the corner.


"Can I go out to McDonald's with Oliver before coffee?"

"Yeah, just be home before it gets too dark."

"Thanks!" I slipped on my checkered Vans, grabbed my wallet and was out the door.

McDonald's wasn't too far from the tower either so I decided to walk even though Oliver offered to pick me up. He was nice but I kind of needed to think of what to say and stuff beforehand. I'm not the nervous type and I wasn't right now but I needed to just think beforehand. I could see the golden arches and walked in. Oliver was already sitting in the corner, seems to be a trend.

I walked over and sat down infront of him, he looked up at me and gave me a smile.

"Hey you."


"You walk here?"

"Yeah I actually live not too far from here."

"I wish I lived walking distance to McDonald's, damn," we both laughed and then ordered our food.
"You're telling me... you don't like Big Mac's?" Oliver was taken aback by my previous statement.

"You're telling me you do?"

"Are you insane? Of course I do, everyone does."

"Ew!" We both started laughing as we grabbed our trays and began walking back to our table.

"I cannot believe you don't like... the epitome of McDonald's."

"Are you kidding me? Chicken nuggets are way better and you know it."

"They're good and all but not great," he shrugged his shoulders and we both laughed again.

"Alright alright, so seriously for a minute, tell me something about yourself. I literally know nothing about you other than you don't like Big Mac's."

"Ummm, my favorite colour is orange?"

"That's it?"

"I don't go to school, I haven't since grade 10."

"No shit, seriously?"

"Yeah, my family wasn't in great shape so I dropped out to help them."

"Oh wow, well it's my turn. My last name is Mercier and I moved here from Queens and I went to Midtown. My favorite colour is yellow."



"And you're 17?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Did you know a Peter Parker?"

"Oh Peter? Yeah we were actually really good friends when I went there."

"No shit, seriously?"

"Hey that's my line, and yeah, you know him?"

"Do I ever."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We were friends a few months ago, kinda ended messy though."

"Really? Such a small world," he giggled.

"I guess it is," we smiled at eachother and kept talking until we decided it was time for Starbucks.

We walked down the street and into the coffee shop. Our table in the corner was open so we put our stuff there first. Oliver insisted he buy me a drink so I stayed with our stuff. He came back with our lattes and we kept talking until it was dark. He offered to drive me home but I didn't really want him to know where I lived. I texted Tony and he was going to pick me up.

"Hey Oliver, mind if we stay here for a few minutes while I wait for my ride?"

"Yeah no problem. Who's picking you up?"

"My dad, he's lives right near me, should be here in a few minutes."

"Okay awesome, yeah let's wait here."


We were waiting for Tony when I heard the bell ring. I turned around and almost died of laughter. Tony was wearing sweat pants and a sweater with sunglasses and a baseball cap. He even shaved and honestly, looked nothing like Tony. Oliver had the funniest look on his face and I got up, pushing my chair in.

"Well there he is, thanks for tonight Oliver."

"What on earth..?"

"Hey kid, Oliver?" Tony said with some stupid accent.

"Uh yeah, you are?"


"Alright Tony, nice to meet you."

"You too, ready to go Elena?"

"I am. I'll text you later, bye!"

I walked out the Starbucks door with Tony and and high fived him for an amazing performance. He took his red convertible and it drew so much attention to us. Oliver probably thinks I'm crazy but it was funny. We got back to the tower, still laughing and Natasha gave us a suspicious look. Peter came out from around the corner and gave us the exact same look too.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Hey Pete," Tony responded.

"Where are you two coming from?" Natasha asked.

"I picked her up from her date with that Oliver kid."

"Tony!" I smacked his arm, "It wasn't a date! We were just hanging out."

"That's always the case..." Natasha grinned.

"Seriously I barely know the kid. I know like three things about him."

"Which are?"

"He used to live in Queens and go to Midtown and his favourite colour is yellow."

"Wait... Oliver Mercier?" Peter chimed in.

"Yeah, he knows you actually."

"Holy crap, I can't believe you're friends with Ollie."


"Yeah, everyone called him that at Midtown. That's kinda funny."

"Yeah... I guess so."

"I haven't talked to him in ages, how is he?"

"From what I can tell, he's good?"

"Cool cool, well tell him I say hi."

"Uh okay?"

I went into my room and my phone vibrated. It was none other than Oliver himself. We texted until 1:00am and then I finally fell asleep. It was weird having a friend that I'd be okay missing sleep for, but I liked it.

An Unexpected Family [COMPLETED STORY]Where stories live. Discover now