Mixed Emotions

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  I woke the next morning after what felt like three hours of sleep. I groaned and sat up in the bed. 6:28am. You're kidding. I flew backwards and let my head hit the pillow again and resumed attempting to sleep. I rolled around restlessly before just giving in and getting up. I pulled on some sweatpants and a baggy sweater and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I looked like a mess but I felt like one. My emotions raged and I just really wanted ice cream.

  I was really trying hard not to show my emotions, put a mask over them. I was really tired, not entirely sad... just a little sad. I was feeling better than yesterday, but I totally looked worse. My eyes had bags under my eyes and my skin was blotchy. Whatever. I really didn't care too much. It was like 8:00 right now, Peter was probably back. Natasha was right... I couldn't hide from him forever.

  I got some food while nobody else was in the kitchen. Surprisingly, the room was empty for once. I looked around but it was dead silent too, kind of uncomfortable. I got my toast and sat down at the table, taking a big bite into it. Toast had never tasted so good. I turned on the TV, I actually got the remote for once. The news was on, Steve's doing I assume and I dropped my toast.

  It was Peter's grandfather, well, technically not his grandfather, but was great friends with Peter's grandma. Peter looked up to him as a kid, he told me everything about him. Anyway, I'm getting myself distracted... he passed away. He was super famous too, like a millionaire. His name was Stan, Stan Lee. He passed away on November 12th, this morning. I didn't know if Peter knew, but he'd be crushed. I had to find him.

  I never met Stan but what Peter said alot him, he seemed like an amazing man. I speed walked down the hallway and knocked on his door. A muffled "come in," responded and I slowly opened the door and came face to face with a disheveled looking Peter.

  "Hey Elena," he wiped his eyes and smiled at me.

  "Hey Peter, can I sit?"

  "Yeah, of course. Come on in."

  "Thanks," I closed the door and sat next to him on the bed. "How you doing?"

  "Uh, okay. You heard I guess?"

  "Yeah. I did. Wanna talk?"

  "Umm, if you want to."

  "Peter, I'm here for you no matter what okay?"



  "So much is going on right now. I don't really know how I feel. I knew it would happen eventually... he was 95."

  "How's your grandma?"

  "I haven't talked to her yet. I wanted to do it in person. I'm just so stressed out."


  "You know..."

  "Peter, I love you so much. You know that right?"

  "I love you too Elena. More than anything."

  "Are you just saying that?"

  "No. Can I be honest with you?"


  "I'm just sad now. Sad about Stan, sad about us, sad about you."

  "P, the reason I... ended things... wasn't because of anything you did, god no. I want you to find someone else who you don't have to worry about dying every other day."

  "But I'm no different El. I understand you and everything, but don't you think I'm at risk too?"

  "I have far bigger enemies than you'll ever know Peter."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Nothing. And don't be sad about me, my hearing's pretty much back in my right ear, so I can hear everything fine now. You don't need to be sad."

  "What do you mean about the enemies Elena?"

  "I mean nothing Peter, let it go."

  "Are you in danger?"

  "No. Not anymore."

  "What the hell do you mean Elena?" He was getting frustrated.

  "Nothing Peter! The guys at mission, that's all. I didn't come in here to talk about me. I came to see how you were doing. Talk to me."

  "I just was. I'm sad yeah, but I'm not putting my life on hold or anything."

  "That's the spirit Peter. Wanna go get coffee?"

  "You bet."
  Peter didn't know something that I did. I had far greater enemies than he could ever know. They surely knew where I was now, and there was no escaping them this time.

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