World's Mighties Heroes

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I left the police station by force, they handcuffed me and put me in the back seat of Pietro's car. I really hated him, especially now. I couldn't visit my parents or anything. I had no idea if they were even alive or not. I didn't care but at the same time, I really did. Once they let me go home, I couldn't live by myself. Jaden doesn't count either. He doesn't do anything as it is. He's so lazy, he doesn't even know mom and dad are in the hospital on life support or something. Back to Pietro, I didn't want to think about Jaden. He bailed me out just so he could bring me to Tony. What did he even want me for? To tell me I'm a disgrace, I already know that. I wasn't someone he usually would want to talk to I assume. I haven't taken over the world or anything like that guy lowkey or something. I was pissed, but mostly confused. Whatever, I'll find out when I get there I guess.

The car pulled up in the parking lot of Stark Tower and we walked in, one of them on each side of me. Like bodyguards or something. We approached the skyscraper and the automatic doors opened. Pietro went to talk to the secretary and had to finger print ID himself before we were allowed into the elevator. We were going to the top floor so the elevator ride was long and awkward. It finally dinged and the doors opened, revealing a large common room. As soon as we stepped out, Tony Stark turned the corner and greeted us.
"You must be Ember," he already sounded sarcastic.
"You must be Tony," I said it with a cold, sharp edge to my voice. He had to know he couldn't push me around.
"Harsh. Anyway Ember, if you would follow me."
The walk was confusing, how did he know where to go? I'd get lost in about 2 seconds. We walked into a large conference room with a few other people. I recognized Steve Rogers but nobody else.
"Take a seat Miss Scott," So I did.
"Avengers, this is Ember Scott. You might know her from the news about the incident at the hospital."
The room was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop.
"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" A girl with red hair finally spoke up.
"Taught myself. When you do what I did, you need to be able to fight off angry men who want to kill you."
"What did you do?"
"Bad things."
"Things that could get me in bigger trouble than I'm in."
"Like kill people?"
"God no, I'm not that heartless. Drug deals, pickpocketing, breaking in and stealing. Easy money."
"Ever been caught?"
"No ma'am."
"How'd you manage that?"
"Crappy police, they just don't care."
"I've seen the videos, how'd you learn stuff like that?"
"As I've said before, I taught myself."
"You can't just teach yourself that kind of fighting and skills."
"Well I did."
"What helped you?"
"My brain."

An older man wanted to contribute to the little chat we were having.
"What's your parents' names?"
"Grey and Lena."
"Last names?"
"And yours is Scott?"
"Your passport says otherwise."
"Elena Johnson. Daughter of Grey and Lena. Age 16. Born on June 25th, 2002."
"You got me there old man. You got me there."
"Why'd you change your name?"
"You don't want druggies to know your real name."
"I see."

Tony butted back in to the conversation.
"Elena, we want to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"How would you feel about joining our team? As an Avenger?"
"Is this how you get criminals off the street? Recruit them and get them to snitch?"
"No, we want you because you are really skilled and we think you can be a good addition to the group."
"What help am I?"
"Alot of help. You're fast, a great fighter and pretty damn smart for a 16 year old."
"I guess so," I mumbled.
"What was that darling?"
"I guess so," I said a bit louder.
"That settles it, welcome to the team Elena."
"Don't call me Elena."
"My apologies Agent Ember."
"Much better."
This chapter is about 500 words shorter than normal oops. I was kinda lazy but I wanted her to get to know them more in the next chapter so it's all one and not broken in to two parts. Sorry if this bothers you but idc✌️ see you in the next one


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