The Bigger Person

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Elena POV

I didn't really know what to think? Natasha ran into my room, almost in tears. Assassins weren't supposed to cry, especially over a little girl. I was fine, I knew someone had to still think of me that way. But Tony? I had only been with them for a few weeks. I really tried to do everything right. I did. I went to every training session, cooked, cleaned and was nice to everyone. It took alot for me to change my life that quickly, but I tried. Peter. Oh Peter. He followed in right after Natasha, looking sad too.
"What?" I asked, I didn't need them looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
"We're sorry Elena."
"Don't be, I don't care. He's a self absorbed, narcissistic, idiotic jerk. He's a billionaire but what we just saw.... That's the real Tony."
"Elena, I think seeing you two like that stressed him out. He did like you, alot. He talked non stop about how badass you were and how fun you were to have around. This doesn't change what he said, but it's important you know." Natasha responded.
"I know. I really did try Natasha. I thought I could fit in here. It's completely different than my old life, it was hella hard. I'm not mad at him. I just wanted to make him feel bad."
"You're not going to leave are you?" Peter asked. "Please don't El, I need you here."
"And miss out on free food and this killer room? Heck no. I'm just gonna guilt trip him. I get what he was saying, if I was in his shoes, I'd think the same."
"You're too grown up for your age Elena. I'm proud of you. Way to be the bigger person."
"We won't tell him your little plan, don't worry."
"Can I stay with you?" Peter asked.
"Of course."
"Clothes stay on kids. Don't give Tony a heart attack, just guilt trip him."
"Okay mom, thanks." I sassed back.

Natasha smiled and left the room, leaving just Peter and I alone in here.
"You know El, you cuddled up to me pretty close...." He smirked at me.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, just saying..." What was this kid up to?
"Peter!" I laughed. I needed to laugh.
"What? I'm just saying Elena, seems like you like like me." He had this stupid smirk that made me want to smack him. I loved it.
"Maybe... But you'll never know."
"I think I already do."
"You don't know jack, Parker."
"Ooh, getting a little defensive I see." This boy.
"Want do you want me to do?" In the girliest voice I could muster, I said, "Oh Peter, I just love you so much! Kiss me already!" We both busted out laughing.
"I'm just playing with you, don't worry about what Mr. Stark said. I guilt tripped him too."
"Ugh, this is why we're best friends Peter."
"It certainly is."
"Hey, how's Ned?"
"Oh, he's good. He's coming over to my aunt's house tomorrow."
"Oh cool. Are you coming back tomorrow or no?"
"Do you want me to?"
"What was that?"
"YES Peter I want you to come back." I rolled my eyes at him .
"You know, if you keep doing that, your eyes will get stuck like that."
"What was that? I couldn't hear you over my intense eye rolling."
"Hey! Wanna come over tomorrow? Meet Ned for real?"
"You're kidding right?"
"Uh no, I told May I met someone at the internship."
"I guess so. Can I just go with you when you leave then?"
"I don't want to intrude though! Maybe next time..."
"Ellie, you're coming tomorrow whether you want to or not."
"Don't call me Ellie, Peetyyyyyy"
"Ellie's gross too."
"No, it's cute."
"And cute is gross."
"You're so not girly."
"Do you have an issue with that Mr. Parker?"
"No I do not Miss Johnson."
"What does that mean?"
"That's my last name."
"I'm not a Johnson, I'm not related to those fools."
"Oh, Ember Scott...."
"There ya go."
"Hey, wanna go prank Mr. Stark?"
"Just call him Tony for God's sake. And yes of course I do."
"Let's go miss SCOTT." We laughed and linked hands, walking out the door all lovey dovey.

We stepped out into the hallway where the Avengers hadn't seemed to move. Tony sat there with his head in his hands. This was gonna be good.
"Stark." I sounded cold. Mean.
"Elena-kid. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean an-"
"Shut up. I'm taking."
"Language!" Steve shouted.
"You can shut up too Cap." He looked taken aback.
"Anyway Stark. I don't care what you think of me, you aren't of any importance to me. I just wanted to let you know that Peter and I don't need your approval and we are quite happy together."
"Wait WHAT?" You could hear him a few states over.
"Is that a problem?"
"You two aren't together. You aren't. Peter wouldn't-"
"Stoop so low? Well he did."
"Peter, what is going on?"
"El and I have been dating since Starbucks Mr. Stark..."
"Do you need a hearing aid Tony?" I asked.
"You two can't be, you haven't done anything, have you?"
"Why do you care?"
"You guys are like... I don't know but you're too young. Keep your lips to yourselves!"
"Do we have to?" Peter asked.
"I swear to God Peter!"
"Baby, Tony didn't give us his approval." I whined.
"Because I don't believe you two." I glanced at Peter, this was the big finale. You know, this should be weird, but we had it all planned out.
"Believe this Stark." I reached over and grabbed Peter's face, pulling him face to face with me. He cupped my face and kissed me. As he did, Tony's jaw dropped. Peter and I smiled and held hands, walking back into my room.

When we got in my room we both died with laughter. Too easy. Yeah, we kissed, but it wasn't a big deal. I mean, he probably kissed that girl Liz or whatever her name was at homecoming.


We didn't even bring it up after, we went on to talk about tomorrow night. Natasha flew into my room just as we were talking about video games.
"What the hell was that?!"
"We're lovers Natasha." I said.
"To hell with that idea! Tony is losing it out there!"
"We did it!" Peter and I high fived.
"You two aren't together are you?"
"Of course not Nat, El and I are like best friends, not like that kind of friends." Peter giggled.
"Shouldn't a spy be able to figure that out?"
"Well... I mean genius Tony out there certainly bought it. You guys shouldn't kiss you're 16!"
"I've kissed people before." I said.
"So have I." Peter added.
"Kids these days, no more kissing around Tony, you'll give him a stroke or something."
"Peter we gotta double the kissing and romantic stuff!" I exclaimed.
"We gotta!"
"NO!" Natasha yelled.
"Nat it's funny!" Peter sighed.
"Let us have some fun!" I whined.
"No no no no no! Even I got uncomfortable watching you guys... kiss."
"Peteyyyy," I groaned.
"Ellieeee," he groaned back.
With no warning whatsoever, he grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek, right infront of Natasha.
"GUYS!" She shrieked. Steve, Pietro, Banner, Tony, Wanda, Thor, Clint and whoever else stayed here all came in.
"Someone reasonable tell them no making out."
"Gross no," Clint cringed and walked out.
"Kids, you're still young. Patience is key in growing relationships."
"Gross Steve! We don't need the birds and the bees talk," I signed.
"Whatever." He walked out too.
"My sister and I want nothing to do with this," Pietro grabbed Wanda and walked out."
"Nope, Thor let's go give them some family time," him and Banner walked out. It was just Natasha and Tony.
"I just don't get it Peter. What happened to Liz? She was a good kid." Tony asked.
"Screw you Anthony."
"Shut it kid this doesn't concern you."
"Excuse me, that's my boyfriend. He concerns me."
"Don't say that word, Elena get outta here."
"What? Boyfriend? Booooyyyyfriennddd."
"I can't Tasha, I can't." He walked out too.
"You two are insane." And she walked out too. Peter and I laughed and high fived yet again. It was getting late, so I snuck out with him and went to May's house.

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